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' p6rrglar Fir:-Production reported to the Wect Coast Lumberrren'r Asrociation by 217 mills in Oregon, Warhington and Brithh Columbia for the week ending Septernber 14 was above the output of theee same milh for the previous week, during which the Labor Day holiday occurred, but war'about 5r(XX)r(XX) feet below tte cut for each of the weeks ending August 24 and Augrrst 31. Stocks are low, for thir time of tte year, with ufilled orderr arnormting to more than 42 p* cent of the inventoriea
The millr are contemplating strongly an additional curtailment before October 15 and anottrer before November 15. This is in addition to tte 25 percent cwtailment on double rhift mills and the 16 2/3 percecrt on ringle rhift millr which is already in effect. The mills reem determined to keep the rituation in hand. It is reported that many of the interior mills that get out their own logr have clored down, and the bisger mills are feelng the rhortage of logs.
The Calitfornia market is quiet and slightly under normal for ttis time of the yer. Pricec on Comrnom are about tfie rarne a! har prewailed for the part two or ttree weekr. The Clear market has developed str€ngth and pricet have advanced owing to heavy buying in South .A'merica and the United Kingdom. The millr report a shortage of clear logs.
Although there is no change in the tmrold lunber situation at San Pedro, there ie very little deeirable stocks on hand at the millr. ff the additional curtailmerrt goes into efrect, as is expected, it will result in tonnage being not able to get cargo at the milb.
Redwood:-The vohune of burinees ir holding up in good rhape and pricer are firrn. There ir a good volume of brniners corning from the eastertr marketr. The Redwood operatorr are optimirtic for a good business in Cdifornia during the fall monttrr
California White and Sugar Pine. Pricec on Comrnon boards are firnring up and ctocks at the millr are getting low. The rnarket on Clears rernainr the same. The California demand during September showed an irnprovement over the summer buriness. There is a good vohune of orders arriving from the eastern marketr. Stocks at the mills are about normal for this time of the year.
According to the report of the National Lumber Manu. factureru Associati,on, the current relationrhip of rhipments and orders to production for the frrst 37 weekr of 1929 ir as follows:
Wert Coast Lumbermen's Asrociation3-p1q,{ustien, 6,485,774 M feet; Shipmentr, 6,5631115 M feet; Orden, 6,6051214 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Auociation:-Prod'uction, 1r(X)3r9OG M feet; Shipments, 9981435 M feet; Orderr, l,Ol9,24O M feet.
California Redwood Ascociation 3-p1q{ustien, 27 6,37y^ M feet; Shipments, 279,867 M feet; Orders, 2921932 M feet.
Southern Pine Areocia1iq113-ploduction, 2r484r0l9 M feet; Shipmentq 21511,365 M feet; Orders, 215011599 M feeL
Total Hardwoods3-p1s{sstiqn, 118891297 M feet; Shipmcntr, 118461972 M feet; Orden, 11833,466 M feet.
Hammond to Handle Coos Bay Lumber Co.
Cargo Sales in Southern California
Effective November 1, the Hammond Lumber Co. through their Los Angeles office will handle the Southern California cargo sales of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. The Coos Bay Lumber Co. are large shippers into the Southern California territory, their sales amounting to between 7,000,000 and 8,000,000 feet per month. They are operating two steamers in their California trade-the S. S. Timberman and the S. S. Lumberman. The Coos Bay Lumber Co. have one of the largest Fir operations in the Northwest, their mill being located at Marshfield, Oregon. Their mill output is 200,000,000 feet per year.
The Coos Bay Lumber Co. will continue to maintain their Los Angeles office but are reducing their staff. J. A. Thomas will continue as Southern California sales manager with Geo. Purchase as his office assistant.
The Coos Bay Lumber Co. will continue to handle their Northern California sales through their San Francisco office.