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Tlte Los Angclcs LONG.BELL DOOR -for eahfornia
Retail lumber dealers a r e finding the Los Angeles Long-Bell door-designed by Californians /or Calif ornians popular and profitable product because of its meritorious advantages. More important than its natural beauty is its seraiceabilitya sturdy door that aids the home-maker in maintaining interior beauty through many years. The Los Angeles Long-Bell door has these outstanding advantages:
1.-3-ply veneered panel.
2.-Y eneered Stiles ( builtup cores) , 5f rn. wide
3.-Top Rail, 5l in. wide,
4.-Bottom Rail, 11% in. rvide.
5.-Square stuck rvith corners and edges rounded.
6.-Waterproof glue.
7.-Hardwood dowels.
8.-Will not warp.
9.-Takes paint, enamel and stains perfectly.
l0.-Costs less to fit, mortise and hang than doors of anv other rvood.
1 1 .-Pledged to good service. Use these sales points in making the Los Angeles LongBell door a profitable item in your stock. It sells on merit!
Ng Bell Lumber Com