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Frank Curran Has Entry in. Annual Race at Tucson /
Frank Curran, E. K. Wood Lumber Co', Los Angeles, who is in Arizona on a business trip reports that he has entered a contestant in the annual Horned Toad Race that was scheduled to be run at Tucson, Arizona, orr September 27. He states that 150 entries, which represent practically every section in the country, have been received. A purse of $125.00 goes to the winning toad.
Mr. Curran wanted the lumber industry of Southern California to be represented in this national event, and with the assistance of several experts on horned toads, he was able to pick up a fine specimen which he entered in the race. He put the animal in good hands, and under the tutelage of one of the most proficient trainers that he could find in Arizona, his entry-has already made the course in record time in several trial work outs during the past week' Late reports state that his toad is being picked by the experts as the toad to beat, and betting odds of four to one are being quoted that his entry will be the winner.
As we go to press before the details of the race are available, Mr. Cuiran advises all Southern California lumberman to watch the daily newspaper sporting sections for the results of this event.
Flash ! A report from Tucson, Arizona, just as our last form was being closed, states that Mr. Curran's toad "also tan."
East Bay Hoo Hoo Club
President B. E. Bryan presided at the dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, September 16.
Rod Hendrickson. chairman of the entertainment committee, acted as chairman of the evening.
Dr. John H. Scudder was the speaker of the evening, his subject being the present Russian-Chinese situation, and dealing particularly rvith the Chinese Eastern Railway.
Milt Franklyn, of the Grand Lake Theatre, with his right-hand man, "Red," entertained with some snappy musical and vocal numbers, and music was provided during the dinner hour by a string quartet.
The retiring president, H. Sewell Morton, was presented with a gladstone traveling bag as a token of appreciation for the excellent rvork done for Hoo Hoo during the past year.
Secretary Carl R. Moore, Neighbor Lumber Yard, rvas on the job as usual.
Simonds New Catalog
The Simonds Saw and Steel Company have just published a new edition of their Pacific Coast Catalog.
In addition to the regular Simonds line of Saws, Knives, and Files, three new lines have been added-Abrasive Grinding Wheels, Simonds Guaranteed Cutter I{eads, Wappat Electric Hand Saws, Mortisers, and Hand Planes. The addition of these nerv items rriake more complete the Simonds Line of highest quality products for the lumber and metal working industries.
A copy of the new Simonds Catalog may be secured by users and distributors from any Simonds Pacific Coast office located at Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wash., San Francisco, Calif., and Los ,{ngeles, Calif,

Joseph Fyfe
Joseph Fyfe, pioneer retail .lumberman of California, and resident of Stockton for 6O years. died at his residence in Stockton, September 20, irom a heart attack.

Mr. Fyfe was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1850, and came to. Stockton in 1870, where his first job was with Moore Bros. Lumber Co. as bookkeeper. In 1878 he became bookkeeper for Moore & Smith. and in 1884, general manager of the concern. When he retired from business several years ago he was president of the Stockton Lumber Company.
In addition to his activities in the lumber business he was at an early date a director of the Stockton Land, Loan and Building Association, president of the Stockton Street Railway Co., director of the San Joaquin Valley Bank, City Bank, the Alta Insurance Co., and the Stockton Insurance and Real Estate Association. He later became a director of the Stockton Branch of the Bank of Italv. and was for 11 years president of The Valley Bank.
Mr. Fyfe is survived by his son, Joseph Fyfe, Jr., and a daughter, Mrs. Annie Hamilton, and two grandchildren, Bruce Davis Fyfe and Jean Elizabeth Hamilton, all of San Francisco.
A. C. Horner Attends Hoo Hoo Annual and Petroleum Exposition
A. C. Horner, San Francisco, Western manag'sr of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, left San Francisco September 22 to attend the 38th Annual Hoo Ifoo convention at Amarillo, Texas, on September 25, 26 and,27.
Mr. Horner left immediately after the convention for Tulsa, Okla., to meet R. Y. Hatrlon, field engineer of the western office, to help arrange the association's exhibit at the International Petroleum Exposition to be held at Tulsa, October 5 to 12, and to confer with oil production engineers and. rig builders. He expects to return to San Francisco about October 14.