4 minute read
STNTRON iloroRtEss
Torque Rods: Manufactured of Six Wheel: Action is noted for Trt..typg carrying dual springs-a Pacific six-wheel trailers.
alloy steel. its flexibility. Rocker successful feature of
Convertible Feature: All models may be converted into a dolly for hauling -pipe ,or poles by rimoving the frame from the front wheel section and adding a bolster and lons tongue, which is supplied at a small additional cost.
C. W. Yonge is sales manager for the lfammond Transportation Company.
A.F. Smith Elected ident of Monolith
ice Presa mpanres V Co
. Announcgment was recently made of the election of Alfred F. Smith as vice president of the Monolith portland Cement Company, the Monolith Portland Midwest Qgmqany, Monolitll Portland Gulf Company and the Mono- lith Corporation. He had been serving-as chairman of the executive committee of the Monolith Portland Cement Company.
Etectric Hadtmers
ttOtly the Piston movestt nfgirlc ltrlllc, All glzcc
Yz to 2-nch Drilling Capacity.
Weights 1o to 20lbs.
Priced at f1O0 and up.
Pctable Gr{nders and Bcnch Ty?cc
Goncrete Surfaceg
Strand Flqdble thattr and Equlpnent
Eleccrtc lland Sawr
9endcm . Po[rherc . Buflerc
If a job can be done with an elecGic tool---.ne have it
Until recently Mr. Smith was one of the best known indu_strial capitalists of the Northwest, having been at the head of the Columbia River Shinhrrildinc, Cnmor"tinn rha Shipbuilding Coiporation, the Smith & Watson Iron Works, jnd was-heaviiv interested Iron ind was"heaviiy interestei v in the logging and paper mill manufacturing business. He had employed as many as IZ,ON men at 1 time in his in the loeei
3O8 East 3rd St. MUtuat 7508
Lor Aryeler projects.
(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon
The F'ellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: 82.s0 per colwnn ineh The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Sales Manager Wants Position
Sales manager, 40, Los Angeles retail lumber experience. Understands credits, bookkeeping, finances and yard operations. Highest references. Wishes connection. Box C,276, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Salesman Wanted
Wanted young experienced retail lumber salesman for outside man in four yard town Southern California. Give complete experience and references first letter. Box C-277 California Lumber Merchant.
Monolith Announces Judges For Small Home Competition
Announcement has been made by officials of the Monolith Portland Cement Company of California of the selection of judges for the small home competition for architects, architectural draftsmen, students and others who can qualify, the event being staged by the Monolith Portland Midwest Company, an affiliated concern.
Architects who will serve as judges are Arthur A. Fisher, Merrill H. Hoyt, and Donald O. Weese of Denver; Walter E. Ware of Salt Lake City, and Thomas R. Kimball of Omaha. Richard S. Requa of San Diego, is serving as professional advisor. The Monolith officials announced further that the competition is being sponsored by the Denver, C)maha and Salt Lake chapters of the American Institute of Architects, and that hundred from Southern California and the Pacific coast have entered already.
Included among the prizes are extended trips abroad and in this county, cash, and copies of Mr. Requa's book, "Old World Inspiration for American Architecture."
The Midwest and Monolith Portland Cement companies are under the same officers and control, the Midwest concern this year opening a $2,000,00O mill at Laramie, Wyo.
C.L. Cheeseman With Long-Bell Lumber Co.
Chas. L. Cheeseman is now connected with the Los Angeles office of The Long-Bell Lumber Co. Mr. Cheeseman has been associated with the retail and wholesale lumber business. in Los Angeles for several years and is well known to the lumber fraternity of Southern California.
Change Of Office
The Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association announces that their Los Angeles office has been moved to 334 H. W. Hellman Building. Their office was formerly located at 52V Hellman Building. R. E. Walker, district manager, is in charge of their Los Angeles office.
Wants to Lease Lumber Yard
Lumber yard, very desirable location in Los Angeles County, facing Alameda Boulevard. Yard is equipped with rackd and storage shed. Modern mill in connection with yard. Fred J. Theriot, Firestone Park State Bank, Southgate, California.
Mouldin$ Committee Meets at San Francisco
Roland Williams, of the Williams Fir Finish Co., Seattle, presided at a meeting of the joint committee representing Pacific Coast moulding manufacturers, held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, September 6. L. Van Snyders of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association acted as secretary. The meeting was the third of a series held in connection with developing a uniform moulding list, and was attended by representatives of the lumber manufacturing regions served by the \Mestern Pipe Manufacturers' Association, California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association, California Redwood Association and West Coast Lumbermen's Association.
It was decided that after details for a uniform list are worked out, the National Lumber Manufacturers Association will be requested to call a meeting of representatives of the m,anufacturers of all species of mouldings for consideration of the proposed uniform patterns.
Deer Park Lumber Company Increases Kiln Capacity
The Deer Park Lumber Company, Deer Park, Washington, have found a way to materially increase their dry kiln capacity without constructing additional kiln buildings. This plan is unusual because it is a common practice to increase capacity by building additional kilns,. storage sheds, etc. llowever, Mr. R. L. Wilson, Manager, has decided to adapt edge to edge stacking and the reversible cross circulation system which eliminates all vertical flues in the loads and thereby increases the holding and drying capac- ity by at least 25 per cent. Nine kilns are being remodeled and changed to Moore's patented Reversible Cross Circulation Internal Fan system which will dry the lumber stacked edge to edge because the circulation is crossways the load. New doors and automatic controllers are also being installed on these kilns. The Deer Park Lumber Company expect to be drying lumber in these new kilns by the early part of October.
Jas. E. Atkinson, district manager of the rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned September 24 from his vacation spent at Santa Cruz, with his family.