1 minute read
Let Ur Demonstrate Our Service Millr: Wendlingn Ore., Springfcld, Ore.
Vh"r" in [his rvorld could vou lind more pleasina, unigue, conven'ienb and modein tho'rihts F6r a home than ne have embodiEd into this special plan
Yes, the entry is dilferinb, and- bhe spacior.rs livina ioo. connecbed rviLh dinina room arid berrace, provides an i&al -arran4gmenb For entertaining.
You rvill-rvant to build this horire, rve knorr.
Pacific Fifth Wheel Trailer
The Pacific Fifth Wheel Trailer is a Hammond product. It is manufactured by the Hammond Transportation Company at the company's Los Angeles plant, 2b10 South Alameda Street. Hammond engineers who are responsible for