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This service rneans pronrpt deliveries to you
Every other day McCormick boats sail for California pofrs, with cargoes of McCormick lumber to take care of Cdifornia and Atizona needs. In addition to'this service, our rail department is equipped to give fast service into California and Arizona. Whatever your requirements, McCormick facilities are so ananged as to give you prompt, dependable service.
Supplementing our boat and railroad shipments, our gneat disributing yards in Wilmington are constantly stacked with millions of feet of the finest timber the Northwest produces. J,tst another feature that makes McCormick service so reliable. McCormick ttStraightJine Service" is complete from forest to you. Every opetation is McCormick controlled. Forest, logging camps, raihoads, mills, docks, ships-all one unit grving you fast, dependable lumber service. Ask our representative, or nearest sales office for quotations on straight or mixed cars.