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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf
"Pick" Maule, Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los An- npany, .f\nize "The Frank
Igeles was the winner of the low Curran Cup." and Paul Hill. Loun es tne wrnner low gross prlze l ne _r ranK rran Hill, Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles, was awarded the low net prize "The Roy Stanton Cup" at the Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Fox Hills Country Club, Los Angeles, on Friday afternoon, September 27.
The winners of the Flight Events were as follows : First Flight, first prize, Roy Stanton-second prize, Gus Hoover; Second Flight, first prize, G. V. Learned-second prize, M. B. Jordan; Third Flight, first prize, R. C. McIntosh-second prize, Art Penberthy; Fourth Flight, first prize, Ed. Houghton-second prize, Dave Woodhead.
Over ninety golfers entered the tournament representing practically all sections of Southern California. Following the tournament, dinner was served at the Club House at 6:30 P. M. which was attended by seventy-five after which the winners of the tournament were announced and the prizes awarded.
Following is the list tice, A. E. Muller, A. Callum, Jack Thomas, of entries: Don Philips, J. H. PrenIngvoldstad, Dick Loveday, D. McS. C. Smith. G. H. Nicholson. Ted
George Robinson to Cover All Northern Territory
Geo. W. Robinson, salesman for Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, will also cover the territory formerly worked by Mr. Neylan until new arrangements are made by the head office.
Fire caused a loss estimated at $70,000 when the mill, dry kilns and stock of between three and four million shingles of the Barr Shingle Co., Kalama, Wash., burned September 4.
Sweet. Walter Rilev. Max Landram. Russell Gheen. L. A. Beckstrom. Cliff Bergstrom. R. H. Meyers, J. R. Henderson, Art Penberthy, Clint Laughlin, Frank Connelly, Ed. Houghton, E. Stephenson, D. E. Liggett, Curtis Merryman, J. W. Graham, C. B. Lyons, Frank Neimeyer, G. O. Fogleman, S. J. Hathaway, Bruce Wiscomb, Harvey Bowles, Earl Jamis.on, A. P. Youst, G. V. Learned, Bill Hamilton, Dave Woodhead, "Friday" Freeland, W. B. Wickersham, E. L. Cooper, Max Price, Henry Pries, Jas. Cline, Ray Cope, A.,C. Baker, E. A. Nicholson, M. B. Jordan, M. R. Gill, Fred Golding, LeRoy Stanton, Paul Hill, Frank lfarris, Geo. Lockrvood, Geo. Melville, Ed. Gould, Earl McCormick, Ed. Culnan, John Olson, Frank Park, C. F. Reeder, Leo Rosenberg, Walter Best, Paul Masters, "Pick" Maule, "Cappy" Slade, Francis Boyd, Ed. Seward, E. G. Betts, A. K. Condee, H. O. Warde, Geo. Evans, Bill Vanderwood, C. A. Suiter, P. I. Meritherv, Kenneth Smith, Lew B. Train, Paul Thompson, Bill Sampson, R. C. McIntosh, Gene DeArmond, Andy Donovan, Earl Stuart, Earl Johnson, W. B. Jones, J. H. Ivlills, Nate Dodds, S. G. McDonald, Frank Burnaby, Gus Hoover, Ifarry Graham, A. E. Holliver, Frank Connolly and Henry Swafford.
Gaines D. Whitsitt New Snark of Universe
At the 38th annual convention of the Concatenated Order of Ifoo Hoo International, held at Amarillo, Texas, on September 25, 26 and 27, the following were elected to serve on the Supreme Nine for the coming year:
Snark of lJniverse .....Gaines D. Whitsitt, Amarillo, Texas
Senior Hoo Hoo......A. Beaudette, Montreal, Que., Cbnada
Junior Hoo Hoo. Franklin Hofheins, Buffalo, New York
Bojun ....W. G. Smith, Akron, Ohio
Scrivenoter ...Ben Springer, Milwaukee, Wis.
Jabberwock .Tom Spaulding, Missoula, V,qnt.
/Custocatian .......N. E. Boucher, Minneapolis, Minn
/Arcanoper ......A. A. Frost, San Diego, Calif.
Gurdorr .J. Wats Martin, Norfork, Va.