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Addressed Meeting
Construction of a $2,500,000 plant at St. Helens on the Columbia River, for the manufacture of an insulating and building board and also a pressed wood, will start early in October, it was announced recently by officials of the Fir-Tex Insulating Board Co. It is planned to have the plant in operation early in the spring.
The raw materials to be used will consist of Fir, Spruce and Hemlock bark, edgings and slabs obtained from large Columbia River sawmills, and it is estimated that "FirTex," the copyrighted name of the product, can be manufactured more cheaply than similar products.
It is estimated that there is a potential market for about 30,000,000 feet a day of insulating and building board in the United States and other countries, and that less than 2,000,0m a day is being manufactured.
The list of directors follows: Charles E. Dant, of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, chairman of the board; Herbert Fleishhacker, president Anglo-London Paris National Bank, San Francisco; Lee A. Phillips, executive vice-president, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, Los Angeles; John S. Baker, president, Fidelity Trust Company, Tacoma; Kenneth D. Dawson, president States Steamship Company, Portland; J. A. Jevne, president, H. Jevne Company, Los Angeles; Paul H. Helms, chairman executive committee, First National Corporation, Beverly Hills, Cal.; Stanley S. Anderson, investments, Beverly Hills; E. B. King, president, King Lumber Company, San Francisco; Franklin T. Griffith, president, Portland Electric Power Company, Portland; H. F. McCormick, chairman of the board, St. Helens Pulp and Paper Company, St. Helens; Charles A. Shea, J. F. Shea Company, Portland; William B. Dean, general manag'er, Diamond Match Company, Chico, Cal.; A. F. Millington, vice-president and general manag'er, Fir-Tex Insulating Board Company, Portland.
lan of San Francisco, and asked all present to stand for a few moments in silent tribute to the memory of the deceased.
A tour of the University Farm followed, starting with inspection of the Poultry Houses, and inspection of the IJniversity Farm buildings: Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering, Dairy Industry and Horticulture. An automobile trip through the farm.concluded a very interesting day, the meeting being adjourned at 3:45 p. m.
Martin ez, High School
A. Ingvoldstad Joins Golfers Hole-in-One Club
' A. Ingvoldstad, Lennox Lumber & Supply Co., Inglewood, Calif., got a hole-in-one on a 235-yard hole at the Ventura County Country Club on Wednesday, Sept€fnber 11. He was playing the course with, Walter Riley, manager of the Peoples Lumber Co. at Oxnard, when he performed this unusual golfing feat.
Dedicates Athletic Fieldi E. H. Wheat New Secretary-
The Tracy High School and Alhambra High School, ,Tr _ a . ?tr I of Martinez,-football teams met at Nlartinez in Friday I fgasUfef AflZOnA UIUD afternoon', September 20. The Tracy "Bulldogs" were victorious, winning 13-0. A feature of the occasion was Robert V. Baker, secretary of the Lumbermen's Club the dedication of the new football field which was in of Arizona, has resigned and-is now an active partner in charge of the Martinez American Legion. A. J. Russell, the Calvert-Baker Lime Co. at Phoenix, Arizona. E. H. Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, who with Peter B. Wheat has succeeded Mr. Baker as secretary-treasurer of Kyne and Stanley Dollar are godfathers of the Tracy High the Lumbermen's Club. The Lumbermen's Club of AriSchool team, attended the game. zona have their headquarters at Phoenix.