1 minute read

J. R.

Lumbelr Requirements

The second survey comprisis reports from 1,713 dealers scattered in all states on the estimated lumber requirements in their respective localities during the latter half of 1929 as compared by percentage with requirements during the first half of the year. It was made largely by diiect mail and through the co-operation of the various retail associations. This dealers' opinion consensus is given on two bases: The first, the opinions of those dealers who reported volume handled during the previous year and who quoted edtimates on the lumber volume likely to be moved in their localities during the latter half of the year as compared to the first half ; the second adds to this first consensus the opinions of those who made forecasts without stipulating volumes.

Following are the totals by geographic areas: Decrease or Increase in Lumber Demand During Latter Half 1929 in Percentage Relation to Demand During First }Jalf, 1929

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