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Central California Club Meets
Lester H. Elliott, president of the Central California Lumbermen's Club, presided at the club's first fall meeting held at Stockton on September 14. Claud B. Clawson, of the Diamond Match Co., Stockton, was chairman of the day, and the principal. speaker rvas Mr. Fleming, attorney of Stockton, who spoke on the California Lien Law, and the Contractors' Registration Act.
The next meeting of the club will be held at Tracy on Saturdav. October 12.
Redwood Association Bstablishes Grading and Inspection Bureau
A Grading and Inspection Bureau has been established by the California Redwood Associ4tion. Selwyn J. Sharp is in charge, and Guy F. Pease is chief inspector.
Oscar E. Chase
Oscar E. Chase, owner of Chase's Lumber Yard, Pacific Grove died at Pacific Grove. Sundav. September 8. Mr. Chase had a wide circle of friends, in'the ^lumber business and outside of it, and his passing is deeply regretted. Mr. Chase was a brother of Hal Chase, formei base6all star with the New York Yankees.
Oak Flooring
like this shows its real ealue
ENERATIONS from now a "Perf ection"
Brand Oak Floor will still retain its beautv.
You can depend upon "Perfection." In modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectly milied-and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It iE graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, r't is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
There's a size and grade for eaerj stfecture, nru or old, Write toda! for full particulars.
The beginning of the rainy season is the beginning of th. big p'ofit season for the d.""l"r "ttJ tL" toof"t *hos. stocks "t. "."dy so that he ."'' fill "rsh o'de's I]\{.MEDIATELY. Now is the time to check those stotks "t d -"1r. sure tLat you h"t. "ll of th. materials yo., tteed. R"-.-b"t....business h"s " *"y of going to and staying *ith the man *ho t"k.r tLe best ".r. of it.