1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less
He Sold Himself
The casc of the advertising man who said his home wls littered with useless articles that he rushed out and purchased after reading about them in his orrn ads, is well indorsed in the story of the oil man.
This oil man died and werrt to heavenu Just how that happened is not explained in the story. But anyway, hc got there, and SL Peter said to him: "Your credentials are O. K. but you are out of lucl because the oil division is entirely filled, every s€at takeri, there is no place to put you, so I can't let you in, and I'tn sorr5r".
"Where is this oil division?" asked the new comer.
"Right over there", said St. Peter, pointing to a part that
H. J. Leaf, vice-president of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., Marshfield, Ore., recently broke his left arm wheh he fell on a flight of steps leading to his office.
was jammed wittr peoplc.
"\ll/atch me move them", said the oil man- So he wal&ed over, cupped his mouth with his hands, and belloured: "They've struck oil in Hell!"
Instantly the oil crowd left their seats and rushed pellmell for the door. The new comer looked at the rnany vacant seats waiting for him, then at the rushing crowd, and then started following the crowd.
"'W'here are you going?" asked St. Peter.
"tr'm going with them", replied the new comsr. "You know, THERE MAY BE SOME TRUTH IN THAT RUMOR'"
Returns From Vacation
R. E. Caldwell, of The Little River Redwood Company, San Francisco, returned to his desk recently from a short vacation.