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Lupbermen Take Sky Route ( to Pismo
Beach Meet
Five air-minded lumbermen from the Monterey Peninsula completed their work on Saturday, September 14, as usual, and late in the afternoon flew from Monterey to San Luis Obispo in the short time of an hour and a hilf to attend the big meeting of the Coast Counties' Lumbermen's Association at Pismo Beach in the evening. It was necessary to land at San f,uis Obispo, as there is no landing field at Pismo Beach.
The trip was made in a 6-passenger Travelair Coupe, and those who made up the party fiere: T. A. Work, Jr., and Stewart Work, of the T. A. Work Lumber Co., Monterey, and J. O. Handley, Franklin Murphy and A. D. Uzzell ol the Murphy Building Materials, Carmel.
Paul Bunyan Club of Westwood Elects
Officers were elected recently at the annual meeting of the Paul Bunyan Club as follows: President, Jess I. Lubin; vice-president, H. J. Hollenbeck; secretary, R. H. Conley; treasurer, F. L. Lauer; director at large, O. P. Roe.
Tacoma Lumberman Dies
Thomas J. Handforth, pioneer Northrvest lumberman, died at his home in Tacoma, August 22. He was secretarytreasurer of the Lindstrom-Handforth Lumber Co.. and came to Tacoma in 1889.
New Trade Marked Hack Saw Blade
A nerv Hack Saw Blade of high quality on the market by the Simonds Saw and Steel Co. of Fitchburg, Mass., the World's Largest Saw Makers. The new blade with -registered trade mark colored Red End and bearing the name -"Red Streak" promises to raise ,the standard of Hack Saw Quality above any other blade in the field.
The development of the new blade has been under the direction of the company's engineers at its plant in Fitchburg for over a year. Research starting at the foundation -the steel-has been made and a highly wear resisting metal has been developed at Simonds own steel mill in Lockport, N. Y. Experiments conducted over a long period have established a tooth shape which has been adopted because of its abili'ty to stand up under severe metal cutting conditions, eliminating the difficulty of the teeth shelling when cutting hard metal. There is no change in the general shape of the blade, but a special method of heattreating brings out more completely the steel quality, edgeholding teeth, and ability to withstand to a greater degree the shock resul,ting from difficult metal cutting.
The Red Streak blades are made for hand and power machine use, and are distinctively marked with a red end, a feature which identifies the Simonds Blade, and makes it possible to select one at a glance. These blades are attractively packed in easily recognized boxes.
Advancing in the same way as the hard and all-hard machine power blades is the Simonds Red Streak high speed steel saw, distinctively marked with a red back edge, an especially desirable hack saw blade for production metal cutting.