1 minute read
Price cutting, the cancer of business, has many times been described and diagnosed. The description on page 20 originated in the oil business and has been copied thousands of times for hundreds of industries. No doubt millions of hard headed businessmen believe every word of this is true.
Here le a proposltlon-
Let's put on a epecial campaign. Let's try to get all organized manufacturers and retailerg who are againet price cutting to participate" Campaign to develop the idea th'at, "All that glitters is not gold," or that all who price cut are not giving value received. Let's get over the idea that a buyer has to watch his rtep with a price cutter, because if he is unfair to othere he is likely to be unfair to you.
Why not get a good deecription of this price cutting disease in print and then have it broadcast through thousande of copies?
In order to make a start and to make the campaign intereating, we invite retailers to write ue their opinions on pripe cutting, and we ofier a prize of $1.00 each for the firet twenty letters received. Wewill then be glad to turn the campaign over to the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen'a Aesociation to develop something definite; at leagt, to try to bring about a greater recognition of what price cutting really is and what it leade to.
If it is a cancer that eats into the organized cells of healthy induetry, a greater realization of its menace will help to bring about more heroic mealtureE for cure. It can be cured by the industry itself. It is encouraging that in recent years the reeulte of price cutting are more fully understood, and thc good work done by organized retailere and manufacturers hag no doubt given beneficial resulte. However, much more can be done by all. Doing nothing, or "letting George do it," means a sick induetry and a eick induetry is a drag on general proaperity.
Lette frght thia price cutting disease as the worst enemy to better conditions.