3 minute read

'Selling and Laying Oak Flooring

By \P. L. Clrtey, Sccrct rt Oat( Floodng Manufactrrccr ArocLtion

The approach of fall weather carries with it opportunities for the alert and progressive carpenter or contractor who is anxious to avoid seasoial lay-offs due to bad weather. For, when weather interferes with outdoor operations, there is always indoor work that can be turned into contracts with a little intelligent solicitation.

One of the outstanding opportunities for taking up the seasonal slack for carpenters and contractors lies in Oak Flooring. Thousands upon thousands of homeb throughout this country do not have Oak Flooring for the simple reason that no one has undertaken to convert the natural desire of owners for this modern improvement into demand.

Enterprising carpenters have found it profitable to solicit orders from home owners to put down Oak Floors over old ones. The work can be accomplished with little inconi'enience to the occupants of the liouse and at times when the carpenter or contractor otherwise probably would be idle.

The first impression one gets on entering a house is that given by the floors. And the first impression generally is a lasting one, be it good or bad. That should be pointed out to the prospect. Furthermore, he should be told of the beauty, durability and economy of Oak. Explain to him that Oak Floors are always in style, that they are healthful because they do not have cracks and splinters to collect dust and are, therefore, easy to keep clean. Demonstrate to him that they cost little more than ordinary flooring and are worth it because they add immediately to the selling value of the house.

And now a word about laying Oak Flooring. Any first class carpenter can make a good job, though some judgment and care are necessary in order to produce the best results.

In the first place it is advisable to use standard bundles. Specifications calling for special long lengths increase the cost and cause great waste without corresponding benefits. The shorter lengths included in the standard brindles in the proper proportion for ordinary purposes may be used to advantage in small and irregutar spaces which would otherwise require much cutting.

To arrive at the amount of flooring required, figure the number of square feet, which means the width multiplied by the length. For instance, a room 12 f.eet by 15 feet would

Frank Curran On Sick List

Frank Curran, Los Angeles, general manager of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. Southern California operations, is on the sick list and is convalescing from a recent operation. He is reported to be making good progress.

nlgh 3DGGd clrcslellon t vel ttcern!

contain twelve times fifteen or 18() square fect Add to the square feet of surface to be covered the following Pcrcentages:

50 7o fot 13/16xll/2

37 l/2% for 13/16 x2 "

331/3% tot 13/16 x2L/4"

331/3%tor 3F xllf7

25 /o for 3ft x2 "

331/3/otor lf2 xllQ'

25 7o fot l/2 x2 n

These figures are based on laying flooring streight across the room.

Where there are bay windows, hearthil rnd other projcctions, allowances should bc made for additionel floo,ring. It is always better to order 6ve per cent additionel to talrc care of cutting and damage due to handling.

A sub-floor should be used under the l3/lf ,3/V,lfy end 5/16" thicknesses. The subfloor shold bc of boards no wider than six (6) inche*prefembly four (4), surfaccd four sides (not tongued and grooved), should bc dry aod laid diagonally.- Drive two nails at each joist thrmgh thg sub-floor which should be thorougtly dried and cleaned before the Oak Flooring is laid.

It is very important to leave about lp sgece on all sides between the Oak Floors and the baseboard to allow fot expansion in the event of any dampness latcr gets into tbe Oak Flooring. This opening is covered by tfrc quarterround or base moulding.

Oak Flooring should be laid at right a"g-lc to ttc sub floor in old houses. After laying and nailing three c four pieces, use a short piece of hardwood 3c4 pleced against the tongue and drive it up. Care should be aken in driving up 3/8" flooring not to 6reak the tongue, which is fragilc. Also do not drive up excessively tight

After Oak Flooring is laid and throughly swept it sbould be expertly sanded to insure a pcrfcctly poliqhcd srrrface. If a scraping tool is used the floor should bc throughly gogc over with No. lft sandpaper to obtain the bcst results in finishing. After sandin! br scraping, the floor should bc swept clean and the dust removed with a soft cl'oth.

The finishing of an Oak Floor is a most important feature. Personal taste and artistic or dccorativc cfiects are the guide for the floor finisher.

4 L Board Of Dire Tors To Ueei

The 24th semi-annual meeting of the 4 L Board of Direc' tors (the Loyal Legron of Lofgers and Lumbcqqen) wiil be held November 17 in the Portland Hotct, Portland, Oregon.

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