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Redwood Manufacturers and Retailers Meet at Del Monte
Voted a most successful affair from the standpoint of both business and recreation, the third meeting of the year of the Retailers'-Manufacturers' Relationsh'ip Committee, representing the organized lumber retailers'of Cali- fornia and the organized Redwood mills, was held at the Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, September 13.
The object of this cooperation between manufacturers and retailers is to develop, plan and put into action definite projects that will benefit bbth, and it is felt that the posi- tion of each can be improved by better merchandisin! all along the line from the manufaciurer to the iob.
Ralph Duncaq Merced Lumber Co,, Meiced, chairman of the retail group, presided at the business session.
The advantages of crib or mill construction was the first matter discussed, and an actual demonstration of the resistance to fire of this type of construction was carried out, with Reuben W. Smith, engineer of the California Redwood Association in charge. After ,considelable discussion a committee was appointed to draw up and'present a definite merchandising plan having as its objecti-the increase of the use of this form of construction. ;
_ T)iscussion on ways and means for speeding up the trend back to wood for both exterior and interioiuse occuoied a considerable portion of the session. Selling policies rirere considered, and other matters of mutual intErist were dis. cussed, including the possibilities of Wavewood.
It was decided to hold the next meeting in Southern California in the latter part of November oi early in December.
Golf Tournament
C. H. "Chuck" Griffen Jr., Homer T. Haywood Lumber Co., Santa- Cruz, became ihe holder of the golf cup which he won with a snappy 78 in the tournameirt held on the famous Del Monte course immediately after lunch. Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, was runner-up, and another retailer was in third position, so that the -manufacturers were,completely rouled.
A little consolation came to the manufacturers, however, when Herb Klass, of The Pacific Lumber Co.. San Francisco, won the pool on the event by drawing Chuck Griffen's name.
D. & S. Lumber Co., lVlountain View, have added to Fred Boock, of the Gilroy L;;G-Co., Gilroy, is con- their lumper handling equipment a new 2-ton Fageol truck. valescing at funtington La-ke from a recent illness.
N October rst this Comp4ny'rggumed the manufachrre of PortOrford cedar lumber, and its Bay, yard will always have available for iT-ediate shipment a completer stock of that specialty product.
Our large Oregon timbpr holdings conain a suffcient amount of Port Orford ceAar to assure our customers a continuous supply for a great many years to come.
Port Orford cedar is logged by us in long lengths, enabling the producrion of unusual special cutting orders for which prompt delivery ca; be made from this yard, via our six day steamer senrice from Coos B"y. &nd for our booklet of grading rules and firm prices.