1 minute read
Tlre IYew Era of Merchandisins demands
"It can't be doner" said the skeptics. '"We have to fold up our tent when people start talking about competing matetials with their exact standards. And nobody can build into lumber those sarne exactstandards that people want today"'
But it has be.en done. For nearly tfuee years, Weyerhaeuser has been manufacturing +SQUARE Lumber cut to e,cact standard length and machine-trimmed exactlY squzre at both ends. First apPlied to onlY a few items, these exact standards are now possessed by a line of thirteen 4-SQUARE items-and thne arc more to comc,
It had to be done. Lack of exact standards caused wzrste and cosdY loss of time on every job where lumber was used, Lack of exact standards made lumber default sale after sale to competing materials. And lack of exact'standards prevented
Square Ends
The cnpcntcr's Equ*c tclls this graphic storl oJ onc major dificnncc bctwccn ordinarl lambcr and *SgUrtRE Izmbcr. (Sce bclos) The mds oJ ordina1 boards must bc trimmcd soaarc bv lwtd on tlu jie. notf, nas of cocrl *S{UARE giccc oe cxact$r squmcd at thc mill by machihcs accurate io thc thousandth of an lumber from becoming modern m erchandise.
Since the introduction of 4-SQUARE Lumber, however, more than twelve hundred Progressive lumber dealers from coast to coast have adopted the4-SQUARE Franchise as their first practical opportunity to put rnodern merchandising to work in the retail lumber business. More dealers, leaders in their communities, sell the 4-SQUARE Line every month. And the New Era in Merchandising grows in power as the important new 4-SQUARE developments are made ready for public announcement.
If you want to sell lumber manufactured to modern exact standards, if you want to keep.in step with modern merchandising as it has proved itself in the lumber business, write the nearest WeYerhaeuser district office for complete details about 4-SQUARE"
Ordinary siding must be hand-trimmcJ on the job or it makes a Poor joint. 4-SQUARE Siding can be laid uP as it comes without all this tedious handtrimming. Two 4-SQUARE pieces laid end to end make a Perfect