1 minute read
in Stryply,Quality ond Seruice
Hammond's sales departments are geared for unusual demands . . organized for out-of-ordinary service to the retail lumber trade. Manufacturing facilitiessources of supply-stocks on hand . . . all features of Hammond's service. And behind these factors is a quality standard that has so prominently identified Hammond products for a quarter of a century.
D. S. Painter, of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co., San Francisco, who invariably travels by air when 6e can save tim.e by_doing- so, covered 1500 air miles in September. He arrived by_train in I os Angeles on the morning of Septem- ber 23, and returned to San Francisco by the 5 p.*. Western Air Express plane the same evening. Two iveeks previous to this trip he traveled by air frori San Francisco to Portland one dly;-eompleted his business there and returned next day, arriving in San Francisco about 4 p.m.