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The Flintkote Company Enters Pacific Coast Market
Outstanding in its significance to the lumber dealers of the west, as well as to many other important industries, was the announcement made recently that The Flintkote Company, one of the world's largest producers of asph-alt shingles, roofings and emulsions, has entered the Pacific coas[ market with an extensive program of sales development.
The announcement was made a few days ago in San Francisco by R. L. Perry, manager of the San_ Franci-sco division of lhe company, with offices in the Shell Building.
the Flintkote Companv. which is affiliated with the Shell Oil Company. will 6ave'invested $5,000,000 in factories, warehousis ind sales offices in connection with its advent into the West.
The payroll and purchases of raw material^s^ during-the comins-vear will tolal approximately $2,150'000, according to Mr.-Plrrv. 'Warehouses-and sales offices have been established at Sin Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. From these points, sales of asphalt shingles, building DaDers. roofings, -asphalt emulsions, Colas and scores of irtlier asphaltid pro<lucts manufactured by The Flintkote Company will be handled in all territories west of the Rocky Mountains.
Several thousand tons of California asphalt will be utilized and quarry operations have been developed within the state for the pioduction of natural color rock to surface the shingles and-roofings. A policy of local purchasing of all
VfL. A.County Buildin$ Material
Dealers ReorSanize
The building material .dealers of I-os Angeles County have reorganized and the association headquarters a1e. l9cated at ?01 Union Insurance Bldg., 1008 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles. W. S. Crosby is secretary-manager -of the new organization. Mr. Crosby is- well known to the building miterial trade of Southern California, -and -prior to takirii over his new duties, acted as manager of the hardware deipartment of the Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, for the past nine Years.
raw materials by the compani will result in increased sales for Pacific coast manufacturers of nails, cans, box shook and wrapping papers.
The Flintkote Company operates l0 factories and 4 felt mills in the United States. Asphalt emulsions plants, producing scores of asphaltic items for industrial uses, are located in 37 foreign countries.
With the establishment of Pacific coast operations, The Flintkote Company completes national coverage of the United States with a full line of its products. The San Francisco headquarters is also to be made the base for extensive foreign trade developments in the Pacific area.
An extensive newspaper advertising campaign to acquaint the public in the west with the products of The Flintkote C6mpany, and to assist Flintkot; dealers in their sales efforts, is scheduled as a part of the introductory pro. gram, according to Mr. Perry.
"The percentage of homes in the West that aJe re-roofed with asphalt shingles is far less than in any part of the East," Mr. Perry declared. "'We intend to become active participants for this business and in the growing demand for asphalt roofs, building papers and asph4lt emulsions.
"Newspaper advertising, as the most effective means of pointing out to home owners in the eleven western states the advantages of asphalt shingles for their homes, will be launched by the Flintkote Company to develop sales in this market during the next few years."
L. F. Page
L. F. Page, president of the Roscoe Lumber Co., Roscoe, Calif., died suddenly on Sunday evening September 28. He was 67 years of age. Mr. Roscoe came to California from Minneapolis and eight years ago started the Roscoe Lumber Co. Before coming to California, he was connected with the lumber business in the Middle West.
Capital City Luuberuan Visits San Francisco
Curtis Cutter, of the Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, was in San Francisco recently on a business trip.