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Long-Bell Announces New Airtite Frame and LockJoint Window
Lumber dealers, contractors, builders, owners and all others concerned with properly insulated buildings should be interested in the AIRTITE Frame and LOCK-JOINT Window industry's latest offering to the building trade, and said to be "the perfect wind.ow iistallation." "
The frame was introduced some months ago by The Long-Bell Lumber Company; while the LOCK-JOINT Window is patented and,controlled by the Lock-Joint Window Company, Inc., Kansas City, Mo.
J. H. Foresman, vice-president of the Long-Bell Company, was responsible for the development of the LOCKJOINT Window. While discussing its novel features, Mr. Foresman said:
"fn developing this new window installation, we kept in mind that for a hundred years there has been but little real improvement either in window frame or in window construction. A large part of the wall space of a home is given to windows; and these windows always have been a source of great leakage of air, dust and water and make for excessive fuel bills in the winter months. We are firmly convinced that the AIRTITE Frame and LOCK-JOINT Window successfully combat these objections.
"The AIRTITE Frame, with every exposed joint interlocked by means of wedge-shaped tongues and grooves, does its part in properly insulating the building against air, dirt and water. and when used in combination with the LOCK-JOINIf Window makes what we have every reason to believe is the perfect window installation.
"The AIRTITE Frame, manufactured of durable Douglas fir, is grooved for LOCK-JOINT weather-stripping. The weather-strips are made of all heart, vertical grain Douglas fir, and are given a special treatment to make them impervious to moisture and also to furnish permanent lubrication for the easy operation of the window. These weather-strips are tapered, fit snugly into the grooves and effectually stop any leakage between the window and trame.
"To accomplish a perfect and unbroken contact for the weather-strip around the sash it was found necessary to place the sash pulleys in a new position, namely, overhead and to develop a new type of sash pulley. In doing this a number of important advantages have been gained-all possibility of jamming is eliminated, the sash never overlaps the pulley, and a straight, non-binding pull always is assured. Assembly of sash and cord is easy, and instead of tying a knot in the sash cord, a metal ferrule is placed on the end of the cord. This ferrul_e fits into an angled socket in the side of the sash and automatically prevents displacement of the sash cord.
"The sash meeting rails have specially designed co-acting flanges that lock together to make a weather-tight joint when the window is closed.
"The ,cost of this entire assembly is less than for the old type frame aird window plus the expense of installing weather-stripping."
The AIRTITE Frame and LOCK-JOINT Window, protected by patents and patents pending both in the United States and foreign countries now are being manufactured as a unit by the Long-Bell Lumber Company.
Retailer Back From Northwest
P. R. Thayer, of the Marin Lumber & Supply Co., Sausalito, has returned from a tour of the Northwest, where he called on a number of sawmills and visited the new Fir-Tex plant at St. Helens, Ore.