1 minute read
Announcing A NEw REDwooD PnoDUCT THAT Saz,,LS ITsELF meets a waiting demand
AVEWOOD brings a new wide market to your door.
It opens limitless possibilities for the use of Redwood in every phase of building construction, presents'a wdrld.of opportunity for effects never before thought possible.
Architects, builders, home owners are quick to recognize the versatility of this new medium. WAVEWOOD literally sells on sight.
The demand for something better in exterior and interior finish is strong. WAVEWOOD provides the answer.
Progressive dealers see the result . . . in SALES !
WAVEWOOD has been displayed at the California State Fair, is now being shown at county fairs. Thousands have seen it, thousands are seeing it. Demonstrations are being made in key centers throughout the state. Advertising is carrying its story to a'waiting market.
Everywhere the reaction is the same . that WAVEWOOD is the greatest single step forward in building materials for two decades.
Quick turnover with a good margin are essentials to a satisfactory profit. WAVEWOOD provides you with both, and in addition gives your customers every advantage for which Redwood has long been favorably known. Tie up with the times. Stock the more popular types N O W, while
WAVEWOOD is in the spotlight of the news. The Coupon will instantly bring you full information and quotations on this new profit-maker. Mail it today.
Bru& Prhttrt on WAVEWOOD acbicva u cndls varlcty of @ld cfreta &Wlping in" a colc ro r gr.ud elq prultr in tmc gnd- rtiou rhlt ue rtrlkin3ly boautlful.
WAVEW(X)D b mdc frm thc hllbcrt qudity Cdilmh Rcdvoo4 tbomShly drlcd ud smcd bcfm lt 3an boath thc Ithtahg-rvlft olenhg lolvo to Eargc with thL n.w texbE.
Csrvcd lnto thc rlch eurfacc of R.dwood Evcrlutin3 !n dd trerlcr. The &rign rupcatr ltmlf mrlr fur lnchcr, clinlnallat rutc ln cuttbf.
WAVEW(X)D b anllablc iof, hncdtrt dcllvcry h r vari.ty of tyFr. Fc sxtcrlc finirh:
,.,.Onc. Two' and frru L'rD Rudc
....Shlp I:p Rurtlc
..,.Chrucl Rurtic
....Le Cabh Rurtlc Ftr htcrlon: ln 1ucle, c fc trln,
Spny Pelntlng wlth bcqucn on WAVEW(X)D opcu up rn.atlnly new ficld for color trlmphr. By rpnving r lmnd cdc lrcn a domrntd rndc ud a top ilolor fro u unnrd urle nrrvclor cffoctr ol cnurcrbtc 610r. uc cr.rtrd.
.Dcrigacd rnd rnenufacturcd c:clurivcly by
Rcdwood Muufacturcrr Co. Pltbburt, Cdtlmi. Scnd conpletc infmatim ud pric o wAvEwooD Ciry