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aranteed-.Some f have tdld for 2O years-Some less

The Antidote

IIe was a visitor in the city, and his friends took him to dinner one night to a restaurant that specidized in one dish that had made thern famous-pigs' feet'

The visitor ordered a couple, and found ttem so wonderful that he had them prepare a couple more while he was "",i"g the first pair. Since they continued to tastc lik€ ;;"", he ordered more' never having tasted anything ao -orrdofotty seasoned and prepared' H9 finally wound up Uy ""a-g iet of thc delicious things, and sas smacking his iipr """i the last ones when he was takm with severc plins in the tummy, and was soon doubled up in agony'

His waiter brought the proprietor over' who reassured him as follows:

"Please don't be worried. Our pigs' feet are so dclicious that it is an ordinary occutrence for patrons to ovcr-eat' and get stomach achcs. But our food il pa[Gctlt Glan sd frG' i"o- p"it-, ard yoru troubl'l i! not rciou* r elruo you" So friquortly docl thir ttbrc thg ooTr tht nc fud it -i,r" a" heep an antidotc fc thd p&-hccc h tbG rctarr ran! and, if yoo witlr' wG'iritl bG sld to SivG y@ tmcthing tlnt will rclicve You-' fatreffy thc rufiacr rlbd fia quicl bdp' ail {t: waitcr brought a powdcr which bG dilsdvcd in r 3lg o[: w.t6. ftc acUing mc drenk, md i! a fcl nffi rer, Jatd."dto have u" P.i" dirappr'

'inat war wondcrful," bG r'id brtG ptoptrtr' "I nrvrr saw a pein aisaprpear,so quiclly' Do-yqr rhd tffry tnq tbc naiurc of the po-ao-tt"t rubd 3uch trr3icf "Ccrrtaialy not" rcplicd tbc polnictc,'6d tr Alla'l Foot Easc."



.Saoirg hsdsootl oencers it otr Los Awchs Vauct Mlll.

OuvuPld*sfiad'DJtd of c brg La 44d.. Pbopcco il 63 dD 0d oncfuc o rq> ply * trda Vc frs!toh oY64 od co:rytAg in rsa o* c d tt oda Vcoficl ?Gd.lsficia vur frm rny of 6:rG loodr: rhb rwu E-ry nor:rod FlfF iFortr E[E/ sg!i:i! h.E. Bsnod BL,& Cdd RGd GD Everything in H ardwoods

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