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Trail Opened to Top of u. s. A.

The new $25,000 foot and horseback trail to the summit of Mt. Whitney, elevation 14,496 feet, the highest point in continental United States, was officially dedicated to public use on September 5, by officers of the United States Forest Service and National Park Service. A party of more than 50 people traveled to the peak to witness the unveiling of a tabiet.commemorating the opening of the trail.

The Mt. Whitney trail itarts at the mouth of Lone Pine Canyon near Lone-Pine in the Owens Valley, and runs f-or som-e 12 miles through the Inyo N'ational Forest to the summit of the Sierri Nevada -where it crosses into the Sequoia National Park and continues for several miles to the top of Mt. Whitney. Easy grades and a wide tread make it possible to trivel the new trail in 'comfort and safety. The trip from Lone Pine to Mt. Whitney and back can now be easily made on horseback in ll days.

Mt. Whitney is located on the boundary between the Inyo National -Forest and the Sequoia National Park.

Stewart Wagner Resigns

Stewart Wagner, assistant manager of the Peoples l-umber Co. yard al Fillmore, Calif., has tendered his resignation to become efiective November first. Mr. Wagner will locate at Redlands, Calif., where he will be connected with the ranching business.

Chain Belt Co. Appoints Distributor

Announcement is made by the San Francisco office of the Chain Belt Company of the appointment of Stockton Iron Works, Stockton, Calif. as distributor. This concern will carrv a stock of Rex Malleable Chain, Rex Chabelco Steel Chiins and Diamond High Speed Roller Chain, and will also give service.

Change of Office

Clint Laughlin, Los Angeles, Southern California hard' wood representative for the Kirby Lumber Co. and the Memphis Hardwood Flooring C9., h1s moved his office to 324 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. He was formerly located at 536 Petroleum Securities Bldg.

Do You Know That


UseRedwood for thevital Spots in the struoture. Vital Spots are those plaoes subjected to the ravages of the elenents. Redwood resists deoaY, inseot attack and is highLy fire retardant.


Dee Essley, manag'er of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, recently spent two days in San Francisco on association business.

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