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L. J. \(/oodson Heads East Bry Hoo Hoo
Larue J. Woodson, Northern California reptesentative of Wheeler Osgood Co., and manager Nicolai Door Sales Co., San Francisco, was elected president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, at the meeting of the club held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday, September 14.
Joseph Z.Todd, 'Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, was elected vice-president, and Carl R. Moore was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Direciors elected to serve in the coming year are: Gerald G. Pearce, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland; Earl E. Johnson, Independent Lumber Co', T ivermore;_James L. McNab, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland; B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, and Frank W. Trower, Trower Lumber Co., San Francisco.
H. Sewall Morton, Supreme Jabberwock, presided, and after the election turned over the gavel to the new president. Mr. Morton announced that he had recommended J. E. Martin, Los Angeles, for a place on the Supreme Nine for the new Hoo Hoo year.
Frank W. Trower announced that the date for.the dedication of the Parson Simpkin Memorial Tree in the Cala- veras Grove had been tentatively set by the committee for Sunday, October 11, butthat the definite date would be announced shortly.
Vicegerent Snark Bert Bryan urged the members to make a point of attending this dedication.
A vote of thanks was given to Retiring President Ray B. Cox, Secretary Carl Moore, and Rod Hendrickson, chairman of the entertainment committee for their work during the past year, and a unanimous resolution of thanks to The California Lumber Merchant for the publicity given to the club's doings was adopted.
Larue Woodson, newly elected president, paid a tribute tothe retiring officers for theiruntiring efforts to make the club a success in the past year, and asked for the cooperation of each individual member in the coming year. He rerninded them that only by the loyal attendance and interest of the members can the success of any organization of this kind be assured.
Paul Overend, State Counselor, flew from Sacramento after business hours to be present at the meeting.