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Lumbermen's Council Organized at Santa Cruz Meeting
The California i,umbermen's Council was formed at an organization meeting held for the purpose at the Palomar Hotel, Santa Cruz, Saturday, September 19.
This body will be closely allied with t\e California Retail Lumbeimen's Association, and will handle trade promotion, cooperative advertising and other activities which will lead to the betterment of the industry.
George N. Ley, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., was elected president; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton Lqmber Co., Stockton, was elected vice president, and M. D. Bishop, secretarymanager of the eoast Counties Lumbermen's Club, was elected secretary-treasurer.
The following were elected directors:
-George -B-urnett, BurnettLumb& Co., Tulare; Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., Modesto; J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacific Milling Co., San Luis Obispo i El-ore King, King i,umber Co., Bakersfield, and the president and vice president.

The Council will meet in different parts of the State as often as necessity demands.
Standard Battery Separator Co. Making lmprovements
The Standard Battery Separator Company, Los Angeles, Calif., are making a number of improvements in their plant for increasing tlieir output of sliced Port Orford battery separator stock. This company is one of the oldest manufaiturers of battery separators and have developed special machines and proiesses for manufacturing highest grades of automobile battery seParators.
The present improvements consist of rebuilding and enlarging'of their diying capacity by installing Moore's Reveriible Cross Circulation Veneer Kiln. The factory machines are also being re-arranged for larger and more efficient production. Additional ground space will be procured for their expanding factory requirements. P. S. Speyer is president and manlger of the Standard Battery Separator Company.