2 minute read



1126 West 45th Street

Los Angeles

Phone: VErmont 3102

Stntron Motortess Elegtrig Hamiiers

'lOnly the Piston moves"

Yz to2-inch Drilling Capacrty

Veights 1o to 2o lbs.

Priced at f100 andup.

Etcctr{c Drlllc, All Stzcc

Portable Grlnderr and Bench typer

Goncrete Surtacers

Strand Fledble thatts .nd Equt nlcrrt

EfccGrtc llend Sawr

Sanders Pollshcre Butlerc

Dry Kilu Plening MiU Bor ShooL aad Moulding Factoricr

Deily Capacity 3t0,fl10 Fr.



Ktamath Fallr

If a job can be done with an electric 1661-vg have it.


3O8 East 3rd St. MUtual 7508 Los Angeles TOOLS

This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon

The Fellow Who Wants to Buv

The Fellow Who Wanti to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire

Rater 82.50 per colurnn incA

For Sale

Planing Milt Machinery for sale. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8,$60.

Position As Buyer Wanted

Lumber buyer-years of experience iu Washington and O,regon-knows the mills, grades, etc. Open for position anywhere. References. Address Box C-409, California Lumber Merchant.


Position Wanted by an experienced retail lumberman capable of managing yard or acting as salesman or office work; also knows the hardware line and speaks some Span- ish. Reference and bond can be furnished. Address Box C-4O6. California Lumber Merchant.

Young Lady Wishes Position With Lumber Company

Young lady experienced in stenography, general office work, estimating, knorvledge of bookkeeping, desires position. Lumber preferred. Will gladly accept position in Los Angeles or out of city. Address Box C-410, California Lumber Merchant.


An opportunity to buy lumber yard in good location. Business averages over $6000.00 a month, first class stock and planing mill. Stock and accounts receivable will inventor.v $25,000.00. Will handle Accounts Receivable. Will sell all of business or if I get the right man will retain an interest. Compelled to get out of active business on account of health. For full information address Box C-4O4, California Lumber Merchant.

Bookkeeping At Lowest Expense To You

Why not save yourself the Worry and Energy of doing your own Bookwork by having a thoroughly experienced Lumberman call in once or more each month and give you accurate information and keep your books in balancePosting, Financial Statements, etc., at a very nominal fee; Phone LAfayette 8241, or address Box C-412, California I-umber Merchant.

Experienced Salesman Wants Position

Wholesale selling connection wanted by salesman, age 30, with ten years' selling experience all Western lumber products. Familiar with both Northern and Southern California retail trade, and will accept position in either territory. Highest references. Forrest W. Wilson, 430 Adams St., Oakland, Calif. Phone Glencourt 9862.


The ofrce of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiving applications, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concerna. Moct of these have had previour lumber orperience.

When you are in need of help of any Hrd, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling us first and giving us an opportunity to be of seryice to you as well as to those needing employment? There is no charge with tfiis service, to employer or employee.

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