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The California Redwood Association announces the election of H. W. Cole as President of the Association on September 21. Mr. Cole is also designated as the Executive Officer of the Redwood Division of Lumber Code Authority.
. Mr. Cole is vice-president of the Hammond & Little River Redwood Co. He recently returned after spending several months in Washington and Chicago attending conferences on the Lumber Code as representative of the Redwood industry. He succeeds Leonard Hammond who resigned as president of the Association.
Attends Hardwood Convention
Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to Chicago where he attended the annual meeting of the National Hardwood Lumber Association which was held at the Congress Hotel on September 20, 2l and 22, He represented the Pacific Coast lHardwood Dealers' Association and the Southern California Hardwood Dealers' Credit Association at the meeting. He made the trip both ways by airplane.
Scientifically Designed
C,orrect design has been painstakingly engineered into the new Poultry Feeders by Max Cook. Every measurement, every principle represents the weighed judgment of recognized poultry authorities.
Many actualfeeding tests were studied to rnake sure the feeders are built to suit the hen.
Selected Materialsfactory Finished
Palco Redwood Sectional Poultry Feeders are completely pre.fabricated of thoroughly seasoned, specially selected grades. aecurately milled and factory finished.
Six Models Meet All Needs
Palco Redwood Feeder Parte are standardized. They are interchangeable, rnaking six alternate types or difrerent assemblies possible from a reasonable dealer inventorv.

Better Investment
Because the farmer muet inveet more time and rnoney to cut, fit and nail an inferior article, he needs and will buy Palco Redwood Sectional Poultry Feeders. Anyone that has tried to "home-make" a poultry feeder will recognize this fact. Will he not, therefore, prefer the highly engineered; identifiedo article, cornpletely pre-fabricated and guaranteed by a reputable factory to a doubtful article representing a greater investment?
Truly the lurnber merchant has en- larged his scope of services and profit.
Controlled Merchandising
The customer sees all-knows all he wants to know quickly. He visualizes the utility and buys. The sale is aunit;apackage transaction.
Better yet the sale is definite both as to price and profit.
M. ADAMS Chculrtim Manetcr
Advcrdrla' Mua3cr