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lncmated unda tbc lawc of Cdlfddr

J. C. Dionnc, Prcs, and Triag.; J. E. Martiry Vie-Pns.; A- C. Mcrrym' Jr.' Secy. Publiched thc lrt ud 15th of ach Dooth at !r&D-, Central Bulldtns, llB \'y93t Sixth Strectr Lc Angeleq CaL, Telenhoe' VAndike {565 Entercd ar Sitcnd-clasc mttcr ScPtenber tl, 194 at thc Pct office at Ils Angelee' Calltromla' under Act of Mmh 3' U79.

Subrcription Priccr $2.1X) pcr Ycar Singlc Copior,25 ccntr cnch.



Laige Lumber Order to be lmmediitelv Plbced lor Construction of 1466 \(/inter Civilian Conservation Corps Camps

Robert Fechner, Director of the Emergency Consen/ation Vork at S7ashington, arrnounces the immediate pur. chase of 25oroq)r000 feet of low grade softwood lumber for immediate shipment to be used in constructing 1466 Winter Civilian Conservation Corfs Camps. This is probably the largest single order for lumber ever placed. The opecifications cdl for No. 2 Air Dried lumber propedy grade-marked or supported by ofrcial Association certificates of grade. Purchases will be made t{rrough ihe Army Quartermasterts Dqrartment. The procpects are that the entirJ lumber industry will be drained to immediately sipply this amount of stock. The order has naturally created huge excitement in the indusry.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled stTrOOO feet on September 18. Cargo arrivals at the Los Angeles harbor for the week ended Septembet 16 totaled 1O'899'OOO feet; this included 13 cargoes carrying 10'049'000 feet of Fir, and 2 cargoes of Redwood with 850'ooo feet. On September 16, 55 vessels were opetating in the coastwise lumber service and 50 vessel*s were laid up.

ft is reported that the Fir mills will continue on a 30'hour week during October. The Fir manufacturets have been work' ing on their production coots to atrive at a minimum selling price schedul-, and it is expected that prices will advance as ioon as the schedule is approved by the Lumber Code Author' ity which meets at Vashington beginqing October 2. It is

George Gorman On Eastern Trip

Geo. W. Gorman, sales manager of the Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, left September 16 for a 30-day business trip to Chicago and New York.

Mr. Gorman, who is traveling by automobile, is accompanied'by Mrs. Gorman, and hopes to spare enough time from business to visit the Century of Progress Exposition. He made the trip to Chicago in four days, elapsed time. He expects to be back in San Fran'cisco between the 10th and 15th of October, and will probably visit Kansas City and Salt Lake City on the way.

Injured In Auto Crash

R. D. Baker, president of the Lassen Lumber & Box Co., San Francisco. sustained a broken shoulder when the car in which he was riding overturned near Donner Summit, September 22. The accident was due to a tire blowout.

thought that the minimum selling price schedule will go into effect sooner than expected poosibly by October 15 or soonet. ***

The California Redwood Association for the month of Aug' ust, 1933, rqrorted orders received from 12 mills as 21.t775t000 feet; orders on hand 27rl55rOOO feet; shipments 27r428r0OO feet; production 1316971000 feet.

Details of orders and shipments for the month were: Orders Received-Northetn Catifornia 8,316'000 feet; Southern Cali' fornia 3r4g2rOOO feet; Western 197rO0O feet; Eastern 8r6't12r000 feet; Foreign 7481000 feet. Shipments-Northern California 8rO18rOO0 feet; Southern California 3r613rfl)0 feet; Western 176,000 feet; Eastern l4r23lrOOO feet; Foteign 113901000 feet.


C. R. Johnson, president of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned to San Fran'cisco from the East September 18.

Mr. Johnson has spent several months in Washington and Chicago attending conferences on Lumber Code matters as a representative of the Redwood industry.

Attends Code Meeting

C. H. White, vice president and general manager of White Brothers, San Francisco, traveled to Los Angeles to attend a meeting of the Code committee of the Pacific .Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association, September 25.

Change Of Address

The office of the California White and Sugar Pine Association has been moved to 1065 Monadnock Building, San Francisco. C. C. Stibich has been appointed secretary of the association.

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