5 minute read
V.sabond Editorials
Bv JacL Dionne
What a place of refuge from the heat the banks have been this past summer. You could feel the chill the minute you walked in! And when you walked out? Boy!
There is a good one going the rounds about the banker who, up to four months ago, used an ear trumpet to hear. Last spring he sold the ear trumpet.
You can't even borrow lt"l"r.* oklahoma on an oklahoma guarantee, any more. You know what an Oklahoma guarantee is, don't you? "If I don't pay you I'm a Soand-So."
And then there was " ;";": man who was convicted of an insanity charge by a unanimous vote of the jurors. He had tried to borrow money at a bank on his open note.
Somebody's kidding ,":";"1 Every day the Government issues a warning through some mouthpiece that credit has got to be extended to the American public by the banks. And they tell me that the bank examiners say to the banks-"Tighten up !" just like they were doing a year ago. Just what IS the sitcheyashun, anyway? 
NRA asks no question as to available employment or income. It says to the employer, "Cut down working hours, employ more people, and raise wages.,' It tells the employer that this will increase his cost, and that sacrifice on his part is required, but that in the end the nation will be rescued by the increased buying power that will be created by putting people to work, and they will be able to buy from him at the necessarily increased prices. There is really NOT a very close relationship between Share-the-Work and NRA philosophies. The first was an emergency effort to keep unemployed people off the streets, and called for sacrifice by employee and employer. The second is a tremendous and daring effort to break the chains of depression by an arbitrary effort to create employment and buying n"l"t; *
I like the things my old lumber friend, Jesse Jones, is doing and saying better than I do the emanations of any other Roosevelt aide. He has a mind that works like a Corliss engine. When he speaks, he says something.prac_ tical. Ife is essentially a practical man. Theories do not appeal to him like a tried and proven fact.
The "brain trust" ," r".U" t'rl of afr"orists, economists, and such like. Jesse Jones knows business, knows finance, knows industry, and knows men. He is a self-made man. ff he went broke today through some general cataclysm he would have it all back again in no time. He knows how. The average economist would starve to death in the midst of plenty' ,f * ,(
Jones says NRA won't work unless we get money and (Continued on Page 10)