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lndustry Quickly

Adapts Itself to NRA Code

Washington, D. C., Sept. 19.-Satisfaction rvas expressed today by C. Arthur Bruce. executive <lirector of the Lumber Code Authority, rvith the way the widespread and drverse lumber industry is operating under the NRA.

"The Lumber Code has been in operation, in part at least, for a rnonth," said Mr. Bruce. "and that period would naturally be the hardest oue-the one in rvhich rvhile adaptation r,vas going on, the most objections, fault-findings and practical obstacles would be encottnteled. Much to our surprise and delight, there have been scarcely any cases of non-cooperation u'ith rvhich to deal, and few complaints involving basic principles. One explanation, perhaps, is that the forest products industries had long been thrnking along reorganization lines that corresponded closely to the objectives of the Industrial Recovery Act.

"The lnmber industry often has been cited as the typical industry of rugged individualism, and it was. But it found that its excessive individualism was suicidal, rvith demoralizing consequences on the forest communities and workers; and rvas injuriously affecting the national economic rvhole. Tl-re time came rvhen lumbermen were earnestly seeking to do for themselves, so far as laws would permit, just about rvhat the Natronal Industrial Recovery Act requires.

"Rational control of production. economv of forest materials, conservation of timber, prices that lr,ould at least yield cost, adequate wages and a prospect of a return some day on capital assets rvere the fond dreams of the industry. Under the Lumber Code these all become officially approved aims-and r,vhether they are attained or not is now the internal problem of the industry. The government has given ample evidence it is r'vith us, instead of against us, so long as we keep the public as rvell as the indnstry's welfare in mind.

"Over forty forest material groups are now under the Lumber Code and many more groups are applying for admission. The total membership in manufacturing units is between 35,000 and 41,000. About a million employees are normally on their payrolls and the annual production has a value of more than two billions. A wide variety of wood production and utilization is embraced, and the camps and plants are to be found in every State. It would seem to be the most unadaptable of all basic industries to selfgovernment and governmental supervision. Yet our experience so far justifies confidence that the Lumber Code can be administered with success.

"Production control became effective Sept. 1, and the industry is now operating smoothly under divisional allocations of a national total of 4875 million feet of lumber for the period September-October-November. Production details, cost-protection, minimurn price regulations and trade practices will be further developed under, or as additions to the Code, during the next three weeks at meetings of the price committee (made up of division executives), of the Central Control Committee of the Lumber Trade Authority and a full meeting of the Authority itself."

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