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Glasgow Succeeds Cates as NRA National Wood Fibre Gro*ers
Deputy Adviser Association Formed
Washington, D. C., Sept. 1S.-Thomas Glasgow of Charlotte, N. C., hes been appointed deputy NRA administrator to succeed Dudley Cates, resigned. In pursuance of the general policy of not having deputy administrators involved in the businesses with whicl-r they deal Mr. Glasgow is not a lumberman. He is now in the rvholesale automobile supply business and rvas formerly a practicing lawyer. He was a captain of field artillery in the American forces in the World War. He is a graduate of Washington and Lee Universtiy. General Johnson was impressed by Mr. Glasgow's appearance at one of the code hearings and the appointment is entirely spontaneous.
Wilson Compton, Counsellor of the Lumber Code Authority and head of the American Forest Products Industries, Inc., in remarking that the four major NRA officials who considered the Lumber Code during the public hearings in July and thereafter-Laird Bell, Dudley Cates. M. W. Stark and W. W. Cumberland-are now out of the administration, thus necessitating a new assignment, declared that the Lumber and Timber Products Industries are fortunate in the circumstance that the Lumber Code is to be administered within the NRA by so capable and constructive minded an official as Deputy Administrator Glasgorv already has shorvn himself to be in his contacts with forest industries reoresentatives.
Catches Early Plane
Bert Bryan, president of the Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, rose early September 25 to take the 2:4O a.m. United Air Lines plane to Los Angeles, to attend the Code meeting of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association.
A National Wood Fibre Growers Association has been organized in Feinandina, Fla., rvith the announced purpose of capturing for United States workmen the jobs now held by foreign workmen in countries which supply large quantities of wood fibre proclucts for consumption in this country.
James H. Allen of Chicago rvas elected president of the organization, Frank W. Trorver, San Francisco, vice president for California, and James M. Brown, Spokane, vice president for Washington.
Schafer Bros. Op"n Salcs Office In San Francisco
Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. of Montesano, Wash., opened their own sales office in San Francisco October 1.
Floyd W. Elliott, 'rvell known lumber salesman, recently associated rvith W. R. Chamberlin & Co., and formerly for many years with Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., will be in charge of the San Francisco office. Mr. Elliott has just returned from a rveek's trip to the company's mills and logging camps.
Max E. Cook, agricultural engineer of The Pacific Lumber Co.. San Francisco. left for Scotia September l3 after a visit to the company's main office. Mr. Cook has been spending several months at Scotia in the course of his work on Palco Redwood pre-fabricated products.