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MERRYMAN Advertising Manager


How Lumber Looks

Production was 193r0l3ro(X) feet, shipments 18010111000 feet, and.orders 17610171000 feet for 11330 mills according to reportg to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations for the week ended September 15. New business, shipments and production were all-ih excess of similar figures for the holiday week ended September E.

New business reported to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended September 15 by 55O mills was 86'075,589 feet, shipments 85r256r5fl) feet, and production 94r6501837 f.eet. Cument sales were under production by 9.1 per cent, and shipments were under production by 9.9 per cent. Orders bootr<ed for the week by this group of mills were over the previous week by about 12,000;00O feet, or approximately 17 pet cent.

The increase in production and shipments for the week as compared with the week before is due to the fact that the preceding week contained the Labor Day holiday making that week one day shorter in nr;du;ti1 and sales activity.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended September 15 reported new business from 179 mills.as 24.LO2.OOO f.eet, shipments 24.6801000 feet, and production 26,385,OOO feet. Orders were 9 per cent below production and 2 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 6 per cent below production.

S. D, Baldwin Will Attend

Retailers' Convention

Spencer D. Baldwin, President of the National Retail Lumbermen's Association, who will attend the annual meeting of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Fresno on October 11-13, will arrive in San Francisco on the evening of October 9. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Baldwin. On their arrival, they will be met by M. A. Harris of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., and will be entertained by Mr. Harris during their visit in the Bay district. They will accompany Mr. Harris to the convention on October 11.

Sunday, October 14, they will be the guests of Ralph Duncan of the Merced Lumber Co. on a trip to the Yosemite. They will arrive in Los Angeles'Monday, October 15, for the day and will be the guests of Henry S. Patten of the Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin will leave Monday evening for Salt Lake City. Mr. Baldwin has been making a trip over the United States and has attended about twenty meetings of retail dealers.

Ordere on hand at the end of the week at these 179 mills wer.e 77r357r0(X) feet, equivalent to*3r684 cars.

The Vestern Pine Association for the same week relrorted that new business f.ot ll2 mills amounted to 37r974rOOO f.eet, shipments 4l,r435rOOO feet, and production 4116961000 feet. Orders were 9 per cent below production and 8 per cent below shipments. Shipments were o;e per cent below production. Orders on hand at the end of the week at these 112 mills wete 95rO4O,000 feet

The California Redwood Association for the week reported production from 13 mills as 6.918,000 feet, shipments 7r159r(X)0 feet, and new business 61403,000 feet. OrderJ on hand at the end of the week werc 25rO3Or00O feet.

431 hardwood mills for the week ended September 15 gave new business as 15r313-O0O feet, or It per cent below production, and shipments 1516361000 feet, or 1l per cent below production. Production was 17,63O1000 feet.

The California retail dealers report that there has been come seasonal increase in business. The Federal housing program has developed a surprising number of small iobs to datJ but they have not required very much volume. With home moderrrization campaigns getting under way in all sections of the state, it is thought that the response from the public to the better housing program will be encouraging.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor amountd to 11131,000 feet on September 24. Cargo affivals at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended September 24 totaled 10,5811000 feet which included 15 cargoes of Fir carrying 10,278rOOO feet and one cargo of Redwood with t0rr000 feer. 67 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service on September 24;73 vessels were laid up.

Remodeling Campaign Started in San Francisco

A concerted campaign.to remodel and repair homes and business establishments under terms of the National Housing Act was launched in San Francisco, September 22. Headquarters were established at 477 California Street. The new group, backed by business leaders and civic heads is headed by Charles E. Cadman as general chairman and William F. Benedict as campaign director.

Mr. Cadman announced that the work of training field representatives, who will canvass every owner of improved property in San Francisco, will start immediately.

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