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Price Fixing Provisions

Replying to the announced plan of the Lumber Code Authority to enforce the price fixing provisions of the Lumber Code, a group of Pacific Northwest lurnbermer.r met at the Portland Hotel, Portland, Ore., September 13, and voted to circulate a petition among the operators of the industry to insist on elimination bv the NRA of the price fixing clauses from the Code.

The group also called a meeting of the inclustry for September 21 in Tacoma to request the trustees of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association to rescind their action of August 29, stating that the price fixing feature of the Code is approved by the industry.

Speakers made it clear that they had no intention to ask any change in the wage and hour provisions of the Code, but that the movement is aimed at the chiseling on prices that has been going on since the adoption of the Code.

Seven Northwest Firms Restrained From Code Violations

Washington, D. C., Sept. 19.-United States Judge John C. Bowen, in Seattle, has issued. temporary restraining orders against seven Northwest lumber firms restraining them from violating the minimum price provisions of the lumber and timber products industries code. The orders were returnable September 24.

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