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Lumber Code Prices Will be Enforced, Says NRA Deputy Administrator
Washington, D. C., Sept. 12,-It is the intention of the Compliance Division of NRA to enforce the minimum cost protection prices as well as the other provisions of the Lumber and Timber Products Industries code of fair competition, according to a statement made today to David T. Mason, executive ofifrcer of the Lumber Code Authority, by A. R. Glancy, assistant NRA administrator. The communication, which was presented this afternoon to the Control Committee of the Lumber Code Authority now in session in Washington, reads as follows:
"It is the intention of the Compliance Division of the NRA to obtain full and complete compliance to the provisions of all codes of fair competition.
"Article IX of the Code for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries provides for cost protection. The Compliance Division regards a violation of the provisions of this article in the same light as a violation of any other Code provision.
"When necessary the Compliance Division will resort to prosecution or other appropriate action to secure enforcement."
The Lumber Code Authority accepts this statement as certain proof that it will be vigorously supported by the Government in its program of rigid enforcement of cost protection prices, considered vital to the maintenance of the code program.
The question of NRA enforcement of minimum cost protection prices in the lumber industry has been brought to the fore by the recent disturbance in Southern hardwood circles caused by the Fisher Body Corporation entering into contract with 72 hardwood lumber manufacturers for the delivery of a total of 5O million feet of lumber at lzYz% under Lumber Code cost protection prices, duly proclaimed last July by General Johnson.
Hammond Golf Tournament
The annual golf tournament of the Hammond Lumber Company of Los Angeles was held at the Lakewood Golf Club, Long Beach, Saturday afternoon, September 22. Clifr. Rupp with a low net score of 67 was the winner of the Hammond Cup. Prizes were also awarded to the winners of the various events. Sixty-six took part in the tournament.
Appointed Deputy Administrator
The NRA has announced the appointment of William S. Hall as deputy administration member, without vote, of the administration agency for the Philippine Mahogany Subdivision of the Lumber Code Authority. Mr. Hall is in independent practice as a consulting engineer.
For more than half a century it has been possible to immunize wood against decay and insects. Nevertheless, each year millions of dollars worth o[ lumber already in service is destroyed by these organisms This failure o[ lumber can in part be accounted lor by the unavailability of a preserved wood satisfactory lor use in dwellings.
After years ol scientific investigation
The Reilly Laboratories have developed Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote, thus offering a means of permanently preserving lumber without altering its highly desirable natural characteristics.
Wood treated with Reilly Transparent Penetrating Crcosote is unchanged in color . . . . . is dry, not oily. is non-staining.,...prcsents no health hazard and can be painted or finished as desired.
On the Pacific Coast lumber prasure treated with Reilly Transparent Penetrating Creosote is available from our Seattle Plant.