2 minute read
San Francirco Office: Merchantr Exchange Bldg.
S. M. Hauptman, Gen. Mgr., Phone SUtter 6126 Loe Angeles Office: Petroleum Securities Bldg.
Clint Laughlin, Diatrict Manager ' Phone PRorpect 2703
W, R. Chambertin & Co. .San Francieco and Los Angclo ti"t"*o L-u.i Co. .., ' ...San Francisco and Los Angela
Eastcm & Westem Lumber Co.... ' .Portland and San Fnnciro
James L. Hall ......,..... ."'....San Fruciro
J. C. Hamiltm Box & Lumber Co. .........'... .San Francico
H;;;;;J L.-b.t Co. .................'.'.....'San Franclcco and Lc Angclcr
J.-i. H""iii Co. ..San Franclrco and Lc Angelo fi."i-W-a Lumber Co. .....'...'... ....'.'.......San Francis l-. E.-rot""o. Lumber Co. ..'''San Francis
C. b. f"tr""or Lumber Co. ....San Frenciacoand Lc Angcler
Atri. N. Lofgren .-......SanFrancic@
M""bo".la d Harrington ."..San Fnnciro and Lc Angclcr l. f. Mi[""y Lumbei Co. .,........... '..........San Fnnclrco
C["". n. McCormick Lumber Co. ........'......San Francko and Lor Angclc:
Ui;Cq;tk- s"pply Co. ..,.... .San Fnncirco and Los Ange-la w.J. M"ttigdE c". .....,.....................san Fmiceco and- Lo Angelee
Ctt""l"" I{elim Co. .......-..... SanFnncircoandLorAngclcr
Fin-i"o Lumber Co. ..........S4n Franc|ro
Santi fe Lumber Co. ........San Francisco an! loe Angelcr
Suaa"n e Christeroon ........San Fnncico and Los Angclal irower Lumber Co. .................San Franci*o vf""aii"g-Ni*r" C". Su Frucim and- Lor Angelce f. O. W|1"o" & Son ..,....... San Franclrco
Wil-"'Etoi. E c". ....,.... ..SanFnnciscoandLcAngela i.-K:- w;a Lunbet Co. .....San Fnnciro and Lo An3-clcr
Hin-L tvt""i"", Inc. ......."... .......Oaldand
Fvt"-ia-U"-tit Saler Co. ..."'..""Oakland district manager of the Federal housing program for Southern California, will be the principal speaker.
The annual banquet will be held Friday evening, and an excellent entertainment program will be furnished by Fanchon & Marco, Inc., who will present one of their famous spectacular reviews. Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning golf will be played, while those not playing golf will have an opportunity to visit the many attractions of the Island.
Advance reservations indicate that there will be a large attendance with delegations from Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego being present.
T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence, left on September 19 {or Kansas City. They plan to visit Mrs. Lawrence's relatives at Joplin, Mo., and also attend the World's Fair at Chicago. They will then go on to New York City' The r'eturn trip will be made by way of the Panama Canal. They expect to be away about six weeks.
"Red" Wood Says.'
"There is a graile of Redwood' lor euery purposebe sure to get the proper graile."
'AYEDThe second highest gade available. Shall be well manufactured' of variable texture and will permit sound, live sapwood. WilI permit occagional small knots, bitds-eye and stain.
Recommended for inside trim or outside trim when painted, where a high class board or siding ie necessary, but where durability is not a factor, such as:
SidingTrimPanelsC,eilingQ6lnisgpe61sflaqlss - Inside FixturesShelving.