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Califiornia Retail Lumbe]men's Association
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 11, 12,13,1934
Meeting of the State Association Directors.
Secretaries of the lumber organizations in the state will meet. Convention will be opened by President H. A. Lake, inuoducing Steve Ross, Chairman of the motning session.
Dee C. Essley will discuss the Retail Lumber Code, and report on the Lumber Code Authority meetings he attended at \U7ashington, D. C.
Address-by Louis C. Stewart, on the Lumber Manufacturers Code.
Address-by Frank J. O'Connor, President California \0?holesale Lumber Association, on the California \J(/'ater Distributors Subdivision of the Lumber Code.
Address-by Wesley O. Ash, Trade Practice Compliance Oficer NRA, on Code Compliance.
Address by Warren Atherton, Stockton-Chairman of American Legion Commirtee, will discuss the proposed t30,000,000 Bond Issue for Vetetans' Homes.
Lumbermen's Luncheon*Frank Minard, Toastmaster. The speaker has not been sglsdsd-tut he will be a good one.
George Burnett,,Chairman.
Earthquake Feature of lCood Utilization-by A. C. Horner, National Lumbet Manufactuters Association.
Address-by Spencer D. Baldwin, President, National Retail Lumbermen's Association, who will speak on what the National Association has done for the Retailer, and on other subjects.
Henry S. Patten, President of Code Authority Division 32, will talk on the Federated Western Retail Lumbet Associations recently organized at the Denver Conference, and why a STRONG Association helps the Code work more efficiently.
Address-by Clilford C. Anglim, District Director for Northern California, Federal Housing Administration, on the National Housing program. Remarks by President H. A. Lake.
Friday Evening
Annual banquet. Ben Maisler has ch luncheon and banquet. He has arran of the arrangements for the t. lvlalslef rras cnatge He arranged for an excellent entertainment, rnquet, of high class perfotmers, which will run from 8:30 to following the banquet, pe ll:00 p.m.
There will be entertainment for the ladies throughout the day, and they are invited to attend the banquet.
Saturday Morning
Meeting of the new Board of Directors. There will be no business session on Saturday.
Program Committee
Warren S. Tillson, Chairman
Chas. G. Bird Ralph Duncan Villiam Kendrick