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How Lumber Looks

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The week ended Sepember 14 was the record week for lumber production this year, being 10 per cent higher than for the preceding week, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from-regional associations covering the operations of leading softwood- and hardwood mitts.

Repoms-from 579 mills for the week showed production 24lr9561000 feet, shipments 25,4481000 feet, and orders 2llr l40,000feet.

The Vest Coast Lumbertrrents Association reported for 2O2 American mills new business 94r581rq)O feet, shipments l15r0O3r00O feet, and production 1OErOl2,00O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week amounted to !641827rOO0 feet. The 2O2 identical mills reported a gain in production ol 27 per cent, and a gain in new business of 22 per cent compared with the same week a yeer ago.

Stocks of Redwood dry uppers at the mills are being replenished. The volume of business, both California and Easterar is holding up well.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles Ffarbor totaled 510201000 feet on September 25. Catgo arrivals at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended September 23 toteld l7r6441000 feet, which included 17 cargoes of Fir canying 16r. 69r,000 feet and 2 cargoes of Redwood with 951,00O feet. 66 vessels were operating in the Coastwfue lumber service on Sep. tember 25 and.3o vesseb were laid up.

The Western Pine


,Joorr.O for 116 milts for the same week new business 63,572.000 feet, shipments 5519811000 feet, and production 7417671000 f.ea. Orders on hand at end of week tTrr%2rC/IlO feec The gain in production fo,r the $/eek w1157-per cerrt, and in new business was 5l per cent, compared with the same week ^ ,. r*"? *

The California Redwood Association repofted production for the week ended September 14, from l2-mills as 7,946000 feet, shipments 6,6O51000 feet, and new businecs 51538O00 feet Orders on hand at end of week totaled 2E,226,NO f,et. pro. duction *f l? Irer cent gEeatet and new business 13 per cent less than for the same wee& last year.

Reports from the t"r;; L.o,rr"*.ers rnstitute of Memphis, tenn, from 93 mills shoryed production as ll,gr4r000 feet, shipments Er898r0O0 feet, and new btrsineEs Er56lr000 feet. Orders on hand at end of week at 192 mills were 60r5151000 feet. The 93 identical mills reported productiotr 6i per cent gteallt and new business 85 per-cent gieater than for the same weet< last year. * * r

Kiln dried Rough Douglas Fir Clears, atl widths and thick. nessea are scarce and prices_ have advanced. Vertical grain foodng is_ scalce 1nd pricer firm. Upper grades of Sprud are scarce-and plcee-have advanced $z.oo to-$5.0o po iul.

Btrnrrg in Califo-rnia lras been heavy during the l"st 3O dayc on account of the fear of a strike by the Marine unions. C".g" space has been at a prcmium.

. Red Cedar shingles are more plentiful due to increased pro duction, and the market is firm.

Atthough prospect. ,"" . ,ltJr*nt of the San Francisco waterfront tie-up appeared Septembet 3O, new dieputes arooe between employem and union oftcialg which prevented the re. sumption of normal operations at the waterfront, according to newa dispetches. 3O vessels are tied up at the San Francisco waterfront due to the tthott' cargo labot controversy. Federal Arbitrator M. C. Sloos has ruled that the longshoremen ane obligated under the 1934 at$itration award to handle all ship cargoG.

Dealers Find Motion Picture Helpful

Portland, Oregon, September 16th-The attention and interest which the Western Pine Association motion picture is receiving is evidenced by many favorable ,comments reaching the Association offices.

The following letter from one Company is typical of the reaction of exhibitors in all localities where the film has been shown:

"Your film 'Harvesting the Western Pines was shown change cellent before a joint meeting of the Kiwanis and Exmembers in our yard. The weather was exand we had a fine crowd. and the with sound effects, could not have been better. We ,certainly appreciate your having shipped same as you did, as our meeting would have been lacking this fine showing had you been unable to accommodate us."

The Western Pine Association has several 16 millimeter prints of the film routed among interested organizations in different sections of the country. It loaned without charge. Bookings are handled out of the Association's

Portland, Oregon, offices the Yeon Building.

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