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Introduces New lmproyed Sheathing Lumber
lllusbcting dicgoncl cpplicction ol Endless Lumber.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota, has announced a plan to help dealers feature and sell 4SQUARE Endless Lumber.
Endless Lumber is now in the soft lvood field. Both ends and edges are tongued and grooved. The outstanding feature of the product is that ends of,boards do not have to be joined over studs or joists, and thereby considerable time is saved in application, because piece after piece of
Endlegs Lumber. Both ends crnd edges <rre tongued trnd grooved. Endless goes into place without trimming. As a matter of fact, it is necessarv to lrse a sar\r only at the ends of the run and openings.
4-SQLIARE Endless Lumber has been introduced in various places throughout the countrv. Its success is assured, because even the amateur lumber user can recognize its outstanding and obvious advantages.
Endless for 51 Per Cent of the Average Farm Building
Material lists for Midwcst Farm Plan Service, the efficient building plans developed through the cooperation of fifteen middle western agricultural colleges, rvere checked. It was found that 51 per cent of the average farm building can be built with Endless Lumber. For Endless comes in sheathing, siding, lining, ceiling, and flooring patterns. It is also used extensively for partitions, concrete forms, etc. There is practically no rvaste in using Endless-all trimming is eliminated except at openings and corners, and the ends left over are used for starting new runs.
Diagonal Sheathing Costs No More
With Endless Lumber, diagonal sheathing providing as much as seven times more bracing strength than horizontal application can be applied at no greater cost than the average horizontal sheathing job. There is about 30 per cent less nailing to do, another time-saving feature, because it is not necessary to join the ends of each board over the framing members. The great waste experienced in using ordinary lumber for diagonal sheathing is entirely overcome with Endless.
Endless Lumber for the various purposes mentioned above provides tighter, stronger, more rigid areas. The tight wall also has greater insulation value and greater wind resistance. It has been found that Endless Lumber is particularly adaptable in the construction of farm buildings where the farmer does the majority of work himself or at least helps do it. Furthermore, unskilled labor can apply Endless almost as quickly as,skilled carpenters.
Advertising Program
These features of Endless Lumber are being publicized in a national farm paper advertising program. The advertising is hooked up with a merchandising plan for the dealer to use at the point of sale. It is designed to reach not only the influencing building factors in his territory but selected consumers as well.
Weyerhaeuser is convinced that 4-SQUARE Endless Lumber can be an inrportant factor in providing better buildings for less money. When 51 per cent of the farm buildings can be built with Endless, the savings of time and material represent a handsome figure when translated into dollars
4-SQUARE Endless Lumber is one of several refined lumber products in the 4-SQUARE line. For over ten years Weyerhaeuser has constantly improved its products, injecting time-and labor-saving features so that the builder and owner benefit by getting better buildings that cost no more and frequently cost less.
Refinements in the 4-SQUARE line enable the retail lumber dealer to maintain substantial volume on the most important part of his lumber business-lumber products. Improvements in lumber such as those in Endless will go far to prove that lumber continues to be the most economical, most versatile, and most attractive building material. Such improved lumber products offer the dealer a greater margin of security in his business than he has ever enjoyed before.
According to executives at the general offices of Weyerhaeuser Sales Company at Saint Paul, plans are being made to introduce additional nerv 4-SQUARE products, many of which are alreadv in development. Announcelnent of them will he made soon.
Accorcling to the Portland Cer.nent Association. the end o{ 1936 sarv rrirtetl'-t\\'o colllllarties operating 16O plants in the United States' Nine of these cor.npanies are California institutions. Latest figures compiled b1' the State Division o{ \{ines shorv that they procltrced during the year a total oi 13,300,188 barrels of cement, valued at $18'314.589. Of this production, plants in Northern California producecl 4,394,082 barrels, plants in Southern California, 8,906,106 barrels.
Southern California itroduction alone in 1936 lvas greater than the total state production in 1935; in fact, in 1936 the California cernent indrrstry experienced its best year since tl're 1920's, rvhen total production totaled more than 13,000,000 barrels {or four years running, 'rvith ar-r all-tinre peak of 14,661,783 barrels in 1927.The answer is found in