4 minute read


Pacific Coast Forest Products

Vuhoijesaije Ijumber Car And Cargo

Old Growth fir - Spruce - Hernlock - Shingles - Lath

Good iilrsordnent of stock at San Pedro available for immediate delivery.

McCormick Interests Begin Readjustment

Redemption of outstanding six per cent bonds and readjustment of corporate organization under a long-range program was announced on Septemller 25 by Chas. R. N{cCormick Lumber Co., through the offices of Charles L. Wheeler, executive vice-president of the McConnick lumber, shipping, and terminal activities.

The McCormick interests are controlled by Pope & Talbot, including former lumber and shipping activities of both McCormick and Pope & Talbot groups, pioneers in California and Pacific \iorthwest development.

Bonds of aoproxirnately a million dollars will be called November first next, which represents the amount now outstanding of the original $4,000,0(n first mortgage issue in 1926, running to November 1, 1941.

The Chas. R. McCorn-rick Lumber Co. is the third largest producer and distributor of lumber in the Pacific North rvest, with timber holdings in Washington, mills on Columbia River and Puget Sound producing over 1,0@,00O feet daily, and lumber terminal outlets in California, the Atlantic Coast, and the West Indies. The company also has rail distribution to the interior and membership in Douglas Fir Export Company.

It also operates one of the largest creosoting and wood preserving plants lvest of the Mississippi River.

Calling of the bonds is the first of a series of moves in refinancing and corporate readjustment, according to I{r. Wheeler. Complete separation is planned of commodity and common carrier activities. Vessels and transportation equipment olvned by the lumber company rvill be trans-

Let Us Quote You Q11---


Lumber - Lath - Millwork Timbers - Ties

Piling - Mine Poles

Car and Railtoad Materials


_(Also knor+'n as Vhite Cedar or Lawson Cypress)

Lumber - Ties - Croesing Planks - Decking

Tunnel Timbers - Venetian Blind StocL

PONDEROSA AND SUGAR PINE ferred to McCormick Steamship Company, which now owns, manages and/or operates 30 vessels of 40,000 deadweight tons in Pacific coastwise, intercoastal, West Indian, and South Arnerican routes, and over a million square feet of terminal space on the Pacific Coast alone. Principal offices are nraintained in San Francisco, New York, and Buenos Aires, with offices and agencies in 48 cities in North and South America and the West Indies.

McCormick Steamship Company is owner and managing operator of Pacific Argentine Brazil Line, Inc., operated under a subsidy agreement with the United States Maritime Commission. An outstanding feature of the corporate readjustment is to prepare the way for a long-range program of vessel interests, particularly under the terms of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936. Announcement of the Government's long-term program in which the McCormick interests will undoubtedly participate, is expected in the near future.

Other vessels and terminal interests managed by McCormick Steamship Company are: Porrland Steamship Company, Wallingford Steanrship Cornpany, Silverado Steamship Company, terminals at all Pacific Coast and principal Atlantic Coast ports, and McCormick Steamship Company of Puerto Rico, which operates agencies and terminals at principal Puerto Rican ports.


Spencer Farrow has joined the sales staff of Fir-Tex of Southern California, working out of its l.os Angeles office. Mr. Farrow started calling on the trade on September 1.


Ties - Fence Poots - Shingles

Shakes - Stakes - Piling - Poles - Anchots


Shingles - Transmission Poles - Stubs - Anclors

Fenci Poets. Op"tt Tank Treated or Untreated


Lumber - Ties - Poles - Piling Agutr




American Lumber & Treating Co. Announces Opening of Treating Plant for Long-Bell

The American Lumber & Treating Co. of Chicago, Illinois, announces that on September 15, operations began at their new pressure treating plant located at Weed, California. The Weed plant is the first of three to be constructed for the Wood Preserving Division of the LongBell Lumber Compan.v and vi'ill be followed by plants at Joplin, I\{issouri and DeRidder, Louisiana. Construction on the latter tlvo plants is well underuvay at the present time, and they are expected to be in operation by January 1,1938.

'Ihe Weed plant is equipped to treat all Western species of wood u'ith both creosote and "Wolman Salts," by any of the standard pressure processes.

The plant at Joplin will be equipped to treat all Southern species of rvood with both creosote and "Wolman Salts," while DeRidder q'ill have creosoting facilities only for the time being.

The Long-Bell Lumber Company is well established in the wood preserving field, having a background of approximately tr,r'enty-nine years cf experience. With these new modern treating plants, including facilities for treatment with the well-known "Wolman Salts," they will be able to ser\re a rvider and more variecl market than heretofore. It is expected that large stocks of piling, poles, posts, lumber and ties will be maintained for prornpt shipment.

Both the Lonq-Bell Lumber Company and the American Lumber & Treating Co. maintain ofifices in all the principal cities. Furthermore, Long-Bell covers practically all territories with special representatives; consequently, is well equipped to service all markets. The American Lumber & Treating Co. maintains a staff of sales engineers who will provide technical information relative to "Wolman Salts." The treating firm does not enter into the purchase or sale of any of the lumber which is processed at any of its plants, but operates the latter as a service to the lumber industry.

The Long-Bell (Wood Preserving Division) sales headquarters will be at Kansas City under the general direction of F. T. \Arright, with C. R. Wilson, headquartering at San Fraricisco, in direct charge of Western sales.

Visits Los Angeles

Paul W. l3illings, manager of the Mountain Lumber Co., Tacoma, was a recent Los Angeles visitor.

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