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Ftre Destroys Trestle on Red River Logging Railroad

Fire, evidently started by sparks from a brake shoe, destroyed the Chester Hill Trestle on The Red River Lumber Company's logging railroad 10 miles west of Westwood the night of September 13. The alarm was telephoned by the Federal Forest Service lookout on Mt. Dyer and the Red River fire train responded. The fire which had started eliminated. The new track will be in service within ten days.

Although a daily haul of half a million feet of logs rvas coming over the Chester line, no loss of production will be suffered. Logs arriving from operations north and east of Westrvood are in excess of the plant capacity and decking

Chegter Hill Trestle at the top and center of the trestle had made such headway by the time the train arrived that the damage was beyond repair and the firemen directed their efforts to preventing the spread of the flames to the surrounding forest.

Grading equipment started work the following day and by realignment of the track a bridge at this point will be for the Winter supply is well ahead of schedule.

The Chester Hill trestle, 550 feet long and 5O feet high, had been in service for tll'elve years and over it approximately one billion five hundred million feet of logs had been hauled to the Westwood mill.


HIGH GRADE HARDWOODS-Dmegtic woodr: Ash, Bceclr, Bircb' Gu' Hlclor?. Marootin Meplc, Oe&, Popler, Warnut, uak md Madc Frcbr' FOREiGN WOODS: ADttES' Bdra, Spanlrh Cc&r, Ebony, Spottcd Guh, IrGbrr&, Jabcro, Lltlu Vitr.' Mrbogant Prlnrvcra, Rccwoo4 Slu ToLAbo DOUGI.AII FIn PLYWOOD AND WAIIBOARI)

Southern California Lumbermen's Golf Tournament October 15

Southern California lumbermen will hold a golf tournament at the Baldwin Hills Golf Course, 5800 West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, Friday afternoon, October 15, 1937- A buffet dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:3O p.m. which will be followed by an entertainment program and the alvarcling of the golf prizes. Lumbermen vi-.iting in Southern California are invited to attend. The tournament is sponsored by Lurnbermen's Post, No. 403, of the American Legion.

There will be four flight events with first, second and third prizes to be awarded in each event. The low net winner will be presented the American Legion Trophy. Beginners are especially welcome and the handicap flights have been arranged to give everyone a chance for the prizes. Announcements are being mailed out giving iurther details.

Tickets are $2.50 and include green fees, buffet supper and entertainment. Tickets can be secured from members of the Post, and at the offices of The California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Building, [.os Angeles.

Stuart Smith, Kelly-Srnith Company, is chairman of the Arrangements Committee.

Redwood Shingle Manufacturer Increases Mill Capacity

W. P. Mclntyre & Son, Fortuna, manufacturers of the famous "Big Tree" Brand Redwood shingles, recently installed a new boiler plant with increased steam capacity, and added another shingle machine to their equipment.

Parker Mclntyre, head of this concern, in reply to a question as to the outlook for Redrvood shingles, said: "We look for a steadv growth in the use of Redrvood shingles, and have prepared ourselves to supply the increased demand, We have recently enjoyed an improved demand for our shingles from the Southwest. We have now more shingle bolts in our yard ready for manufactu're than we have had since 1924."

Mr. Mclntyre, who is the son of the late W. P. Mclntyre, founder of the business, which was established in 1898. invites retail lumbermen who may be passing along the Redwood Highwai to drop in and see their compietely modernized plant. It is just a shoit distance south of Fortuna and can be seen from the Highway.

Appoint New Temlok Wholesalers

Lancaster, Pa.-Appointment of two new firms to handle the wholesale distribution of the Armstrong Line of Temlok Insulation products, including Temlok De Luxe in colors, has been announced at the general offices of the Armstrong Cork Company here.

The new Temlok wholesalers are the Bucy Ingram Company, Harvey Street and Mansfield Road, Fort .Worth, Texas, and the United Roofing and Supply Company, 3260 West Pershing Road, Chicago, Illinois.


Apitong iE no wcrll.Ilower. Sure, it would do lor trin but thtg hcrdwood works lor cr living.

^^{nitong ig cut in fhe Philippines from rncn gize loga-30 to 8Ol_thro-ugh,-up to {1, long. Loga ihci cut ecaily inio tough, thiclc- widg,,long- cnd Clecr Lurrber. Excurple: Stcnton'a iirst lougDt 4000' oI 6x12x26, FAS Apitong free oI hecrt Could thie be done in clry otber hqrdwood? -

Apitoag is strong tre cr bull, cs tough ce tough lrb. The interlocking grcin preventg :erioue checls or honeycoub. While it irn't rot-prool it tckes to creosole lile c duck to wcterJ;fi treatmenl gives 100'/o penetrction.

Apitong hqa been cctled Philippine Teclc utrlrue. It ir c_ good lough wood with rencntcrbL widths cnd lengths. It,6 checp and works rell oa qlnoat trny kind of congtruition.

Becornmend it lor cuto-body, oilwell work glci&, ,most *y tough iob.

And get it crt-

E. ). STANTON and soN

41gt and Alameda

Los Angeles

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