2 minute read

Sudden t, Ghristenson

Lunber and Shtpptng

7th Floor, Alaska-Commercial Bldg.'

Ancricen Mill c.o. ' ^o't*'t

Hoquiam Lumber & Shinglc Co.

Hulbcrt Mill C.o.

Vilhpr Hlbor Lunbcc Millr


630 Boerd of Tradc Bldg.

310 Sansome Street, San Francisco STEAMERS

Abcrdcco, VrrL Trinidad Hosuien, \earh. $#g"Ig3 Aberdcca, \trrh. pfr:i[,ft$".

. Rrynond WerL Jane Ctrirtcanon Brench Oficcr: SEATTLE Netioorl Bant of Commacc Bldg.

California Lumbermen's Council Holds S:xth Annual Meeting

The sixth annual meeting of the California Lumbermen's Council. held at the Mountain View Ranch llotel, near Santa Cruz, on Saturday, September 18 and Sunday, September 19, was an unqualified success from every point of view.

The idea of the big get-together party in connection with the Council's annual meeting is to provide an opportunity for social contact between the tnembers and manufacturers, rvholesalers and distributors of lttmber and allied products.

More than 200 attended, and many favorable comments were heard on the splendid arrangements made by Secretary B. B. (Bernie) Barber and Lloyd Hebbron, Hebbron Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, for the comfort and entertainment of all who were there.

Breakfast meetings of all Council committees were held on Saturday morning, and the Northern Board of Directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association met at 10:00 a.m.

The Council held its annual meeting at luncheon, when reports were received from committee chairmen.

President George Burnett presided at the banquet, which was followed by an excellent entertainment program'

Many of the visitors took advantage of the hotel's facilities for swimming, tennis and other games in the afternoon.

There was a golf tournament on Sunday morning, at Pasatiempo Golf Course' followed by a dinner at 2:00 p'm'

Annie Chdrtenron

Edwin Chrirtenron

Catherine G. Suddco

Bleanor Chrirtenroa

Charler Chrirtcnroa


20tt Henry Btdg.

Edgar G. Summers

Edgar G. Summers, founder and president of the Santa Ana L.umber Company for the past sixteen Jrears, passed ar,r'ay at the St. Joseph's hospital in Santa Ana, Wednesday, September 15. He was 7O years of age.

Mr. Summers rvas a native of Illinois, coming to California in 1921, when he started the Santa Ana Lumber Company.

He is survived by his rvife, Mrs. Ella E. Summers; two daughters, Mrs. Richard E,mison and Mrs. Mona Summers Smith; two brothers, Clyde Summers of St. Louis and Harmon Srrmmers of Chicago.

Funeral services were held Saturday morning, September 18, from the Smith and Tuthill chap'el, Santa Ana. Rev. W. S. Buchanan, pastor of the First Christian Church, officiatecl at the services.

Mrs. tessie Emma Harris

Mrs. Jessie Emma Harris passed away in San Francisco on Tuesday, September 21.

Mrs. Harris was the wife of Frank H. Harris, vice-president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, San Francisco. She is also survived by three daughters, Miss Velma Ruth I{arris, Mrs. Durden Harley and Mrs. Sylvia H. Moore. She was bofn in Bethel, Vermont.

Funeral services were held in San Francisco on Wednesday, September 22.

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