4 minute read
Sudden t, Ghristenson
7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg.' AGBNTS l7ithpr Hltbot Lunb.r Millt
Ancricrn Mill C.o.
Hoguirm Lumbcr & Shinglc Co.
Hulbat Mitl Co.
6t0 Bo.!d of Tredc Bldg;
310 Sansome Street, San Francisco
Abcrdreo, WrrL Ryder Hanify
Hoquirn' waeh. Dotothy cahitt
Abcrdcca, Vrrh. Jane Chrirtcoroo
Ilrymond, Warh. Cherler Chritcaro
Breach O6ccr: SEATTLE
Natiooel Bant of Coomcrcc Bldg.
Annie Chrirtcnroa
Edwin Chricenroo
Catlrerinc G. Suddco
Eleanor Chrirtcoroa PORTLAND
20O Hcory Bldg.
October Adventure
Listen ! The wind is rising, And the air is wild with leaves; We have had our summer evenings; Now for October eves !
The great beech trees lean forward, And strip like a diver. We Had better turn to the fire And shut our minds to the sea,
Where the ships of youth are running Close hauled on the edge of the wind, With all adventure before them, And only the old behind.
-F'rom "Disraeli"
{. {< ,*
The Right Road
The only road, the sure road-to unquestioned credit and a sound financial condition is the exact and punctual fulfillment of every pecuniary obligation, public or private, according to its letters and spirit.-Hayes.
The Value Of Books
Books are a guide in youth, and an entertainment for age. They support us under solitude, and keep us from being a burden to ourselves. They help us to forget the crossness of men and things; compose our nerves and our passions; and lay our disappointment asleep.
A diplomat is a gentleman who can tell a lie in such a manner to another gentleman (who is also a diplomat) that the second gentleman is compelled to let on that he really believes the first gentleman, although he knows that the first gentleman is a liar, who knows that the second gentleman does not believe him. Both let on that each believes the other, while both know that both are liars.
Necessary Ingredient
Son: "Pop, what is a pedestrian?"
Pop: "A pedestrian, my son, is the raw material for an accident"
wno's ;JJ" Now?
One patient at the asylum decided to test another, to see if he was really as sane as he claimed to be. Puttingt his hands behind him, he asked, "What am I holding in my hand?"
"A horse and wagon," piped the other.
"Aw," said the first one hotly, "you cheated ! You saw me pick it up !"
Sowing And Reaping
We must not hope to be mowers And to gather the ripe gold ears, Unless we have first been sowers, And watered the furrows with tears. It is not just as we take it, This mysticd wonld of ours: Life's field will yield as we make it, A harvest of thorns or of flowers.
"Curse it ! Curse it ! hissed the villain, snatching at the girl's waist.
"No, it ain't either!" she retorted. "It's a girdle." ***
Joshua Brush, a traveling man Who sailed the briny main, Was Mr. Brush in England, And Senor Brush in Spain. The Frenchman called him Monsier Brush, But the Germans were his bane, For they always called him Herr Brush, Which filled his soul with pain.
L. H. Atkinson Returns to Weyerhaeuger
Luther H. Atlrinson
Luther H. Atkinson returns to the Weyerhaeuser organization to assume the position of Assistant to the President of' General Timber Service, Inc., the corporation which serves all of the Weyerhaeuser affi liated companies in various capacities. Mr. Atkinson has been associated with the United States Gypsrlm Company, Chicago as general sales manager for the last several years.
F. K. Weyerhaeuser, president of General Timber Service, Inc., reports that he expects I\{r. Atkinson to assume his new duties about October 15 and he will then be located in Saint Paul. Minnesota.
W. H. (Bill) Nigh, in charge of the Pine department of Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, is in New York on a vacation and business trip' He is accompanied by Mrs. Nigh, and will be back in San F'rancisco the middle of October.
Ralph M. Rounds Forms New Company
Announcement was made recently in San Francisco by Ralph M. Rounds of the formation of the Rounds Trading Company with offices in the Crocker Building, San Francisco. The new organization will deal in forest products and engage in shipping and commission business generally.
Alfred E. Wolfi is manager of the concern. ,He is a former executive of the American Trading Cornpany and J. J. Moore & Co.. and is well known in Pacific Coast circles.
I'n commenting on the announcement Guy E. Srnith of the Rockport Redwood Company, Los Angeles, one of the Rounds interests, said the new firm has extensive business contacts in Australia, New Zealand and South America, and that they also expect to be actively represented in all the principal marketing centers of the United States.
Nov tennis tobles ore mode of weotherproof plywood-creoting o profitoble morket to which you con sell the SUPER - Horbord WEATHERPR.OOF Tennis Toble-the ONE toble thqt con be used outdoors os welt os in!
Both frome ond top of this toble ore mode of SUPER-Horbord, the originol weotherproof outdoor plywood, with plies fused together rnore rolidly thon o single boord, stronger ond rnore rigid for itg thickness thon ony comporoble tennir toble moteriolproofed ogoinst rnoisture ond veother conditionr.
The rnuch-desired rerilience ond rigidity in ploying rurfoce ond frome is offorded by the occurctely cquored, unoothly ronded top ond the nine simple lock-con3ttuction frorne unitr. No hordwore il n€c€srory frome is eorily orrembled or token dovn, rigid ond occurote when osrembled, eorily rtored when not in ure. The toble hos ertrc u3€3 too . . or o rewing or conning toble, ploy toble for electric toy3, €tc.
The frorna of the SUPER-Horbord WEATHERPROOF Tennis Toble ir pocked in o compoct corton, conveniently hondled ond stored. One or two-piece top ir optionol. The toble selb for only rlightly mor€ than tobleg of ordinory cold-glue plywood-ond with o sotisfoctory morgin of profit.
By feoturing the SUPER-Horbord Tennir Toble for outdoor use os well-you con moke your tennis table morket on oll-year morket - increo3e your soler - pocket extro profits! Order eorly to onticipote dernond.
Harbor Plywood Corporation
Mtllr <rnd Generql Olliceg, Hoqulcm, Wcrblngton DISTRIBUTINO WAREHOUSES: Atlonto, Boltimore, Chicoso, Cincinnoti, Clevelond, Columbus, Indionopolis, Jocksonville, Los Angeles, Louisville, Milwoukee, New Orleons, Philodelphio, Pittsburgh, Son Froncisco, Toledo. Woshington, D. C. REPRESENTATIVES: Billings, Denver, Konsos Citv. Omoho, Worcester.