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The New Fcll edition oI lhir comprehengive credit crnd sclet guide giver the ncme, locqtion snd credit rcfing ol cll qucntity buyers cnd sellers, clso nanutccturerg, oI lunber qnd cltied products-a COMPLETE credit, scles cnd buying guide covering the entire industry.
During the pcrat gix monthg more time, effort qnd noney hcs been expended thcur in aay gimilicrr period I'or reviaion ol inloruration to insure grecter qccurccy and rnore lirst-hcnd lcrcie concerning rcrpidly chcnging credil conditions. Our new October 1939 Edition becrg uamigicrkcble evidence ol this cdditioncl effort aad e*penae by rellecting the thouscnds ol chcnges thqt hcve occured<bcngea thct are vitcrl beccuge nrcny crffect the credit glcrtus ol YOIIB customera.
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