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A A;z@ Table for Play or Work All Yea r Ro u nd

Tqble tenuis groes outdoora; with the mcnultrclure oI crn "ouldoor plyrrood" table thcrt will gtqnd wecthering. It ig mcrde ol SupenHcrbord by the Hqrbor Plywood Corporcrtion ol Hoquicrm, Wcshington. Sororiiy girls ct lhe University oI Wcahington plcry the gcme indoore or ouldoora, interchtrngecbly, since the prelabriccted tcble is quickly "qgeemblcble."

Talk about opportu.nities for new business and added profit. Here is an item that seems to meet the occasion for retail lumber dealers.

Table tennis is growing in popularity. And the advantage it presents to the industry is that there is a market all year round. It has no season, becquse it is an all-weather

Upper lelt showg nembers ol the Kcppcr Deltcr national sorority plcryinq tcrble tennis on their lcwns. At the Phi Mu house next door (righthqnd photo), lwo girlr plcy the gcme while cr third awcits cr "gisiet''io mqke c loursome. Itr their excitement, the girls touch the lcbletutl tutl you ccrn't do thctl sport, both indoors and outdoors. That would require particularly a weatherproof material.

The Super-Harbord table meets this condition. The manufacturer, Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Washington, has developed a table that will stand the test of changing weather conditions with no ply separa-

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