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Southern California Retail Yard For Sale
?0 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing community. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, good equipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.
Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Meet
(Continued from Page 21) ing-in-transit privilege. Frank Connolly,'Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, gave the report of the Los Angeles committee. After considerable discussion it was decided that the present committees will continue to act until such time as it may be necessary to take ftrrther action.
The Saturday morning meeting was opened with a talk by Jim Davis, Davis Hardwood Company, San Francisco, in which he discussed the matter of nati'onal grading and national inspection of public school orders, also the important matter of a national advertising and promotion campaign t.o promote the use of hardwoods and to help to regain markets for hardwoods that have been lost in some measure to competing materials.
Mr. Davis read a letter he had written to the National Hardwood Lumber Association and their reply stating the subject of advertising would be presented to the directors at the annual convention in Baltimore, September 2l and 22.
Bert Bryan said an advertising campaign would help initiate a trend back to the use of hardwoods in homes and other buildings.
N. J. Sorensen, IJnited States Plywood Corporation, Los Angeles, told of his firm's national advertising campaign to create consumer demand for hardwood panels, and suggested a campaign financed jointly by the mills, distributors, door manufacturers, qanel and trim manufacturers, to influence mainly the architect and home builders.
C. H. White and Frank Connolly expressed the opinion that the mills should put up most of the money for a national advertising campaign to help the distributors.
It was decided to take no action on the matter at this time.
The convention committee reported that the 1940 convention will be held in the Northwest and that the time and place will be announced later.
Directors elected for the coming year are: Portland, P. J. Ahern, Emerson Hardwood Company; Tacoma, Norman Cruver, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation; Oakland, B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Com'pany; San Francisco, Homer Maris, Maris Plywood Corporation; Los
Lumber Yard For Sale
Twohy Lumbcr Co., Lunrber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Loe Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Angeles, Paul Penberthy, Penberthy Lumber Company; San Diego, Al Frost, Frost Hardwood Company.
Just before adjournment a hearty vote of thanks was given to the president and secretary for their fine work in the past year and for their excellent arrangements for the convention.
The annual banquet for members and ladies as guests of the Association was held in the Ladies Lounge of the California Building on Treasure Island' on Friday evening.
J. E. (Ted) Higgins, Jr., presided.
Members and ladies were guests of the Association at the Folies Bergere, Treasure Island, on Saturday evening.
The attendance included the following:
Jerry Sullivan, Jr. Sullivan Hardwood Co.,"..San Diego
Frank J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co. .. .'..Los Angeles
LeRoy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son Los Angeles
W. F. Fahs, California Panel & Veneer Co.. Los Angeles
Jack Murphy, Owens-Parks Lumber Co.. ! os Angeles
?aul Penberthy, Penberthy Lumber Co.. Los Angeles
C. M. Cooper,-W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.....I-os Angeles
C. R. Taenzer, American Hardwood Co.. Los Angeles
N. J. Sorensen, IJnited States Plywood Corp.._. Los_Angeles
Jim Davis, f)avis Hardwood Co.. San Francisco
L. J. Woodson, 'Wheeler Osgood Sales - Corp. ..'..San Francisco
P. R. Kain, Forsyth H'ardwood Co.. ' San Francisco
Nelson E. Jones, Jones Hardwood Co'. ' San Francisco
C. H. Whiie. Whiie Brothers San Francisco
W. T. White, White Brothers ' San Francisco
Don F. White, White Brothers San Francisco
J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber - C;. ...:........ .San Francisco
W. H. O'Neill, O'Neill Lumber Co'...'..San Francisco
Ken O'Neill. O'Neill Lumber Co' '. San Francisco
Homer Maris, Maris Plywood Corp. ......San Francisco
E. A. Howard, E. A. Howard & Co. San Francisco
Bud Howard, E. A. Horvard & Co. San Francisco
Fred Smales, United States Plywoo.d Corp. . ....San Francisco
B. E. Bryln, Strable Hardwood Co. .. ....Oakland
A. E. Winke, Wanke Panel Co. ..Portland
Norman C. Sawers, J. Fyfe-Smith Co. ....Vancouver, B. C.
Arthur F. Fischer, Deputy Commissioner
Philippine Exposition Participation. San
Geo. M. Cornwall, The Timberman .....San
W. T. Black, The California Lumber
Francisco Francisco
Merchant ..San Francisco
P. Patton, American Lumberman San Francisco
Fred Dunbar, Robert Dollar Co. ' San Francisco