1 minute read
Srimulate rural building wifh these plan booklets
They show how National Homes Foundati,on's I village and farm house plans can be adapted to Dri-Bilt with Plywood constructi,on !
o The benefits of easier home financing are now being enjoyed in rural areas all over the United States. Is yoars one of tben? It should be-and. can be-if. you roll up your sleeves and set out to encourage building.
Show prospects the key booklets which illustrate how the National Homes Foundation's village and house plans can be adapted to construction with Douglas Fir Plywood. Explain how both the plans and Dri-Bilt with Plywood construction have been accepted by F.H.A. Tell them how much more quickly a Plywood house goes up than if built traditionally. Tell them how much more durable and rigid a Plywood house is . . why the walls will be crack and puncnrre-proof. \When prospects decide to build, you can order complete working drawings and guaranteed material list from the National Plan Service, Chicago.
To sell all the Douglas Fir Plywood required in a Dri-Bilt home, your stock must contain all 5 grades in representative sizes and thicknesses. So check yorr inventory now and be sure it's complete, ready to serve every demand.
ony retall lsmber deqler can eoslly bulldl
O Il you've Iound thqt slationdry be quickly tqken qpqrt cad set up bins cien't usuclly in the plcce you cnlniherei When q ?lywood door is reclly wcnl them-, you'll- tike ihis insialled on tbe lrontl you hqve q built-up Plywood atorcge biu, It cca light cnd dusl-prool bin thqt will \Sqp yqgj Plywoo-d in-excelleDt condilion. Why not clip the cbove plo now cnd build thig Plywood storcge bi:r