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Los Angeles

Wholescle Hcrrdwood Distributors Since 1904

Delense Housing Program Will Go Forward \Tithout Interruption

San Francisco, Sept. 24, 1941:Ihe Northern California defense housing program rvill go forward without interruption, with a favorable policy on priorities, according to announcement by D. C. McGinness, district director of the Federal Housing Administration.

Assurance has been received from Donald M. Nelson, defense priorities director, that ample building materials, appliances and equipment will be made available to local builders to carry out all present and necessary residential construction programs in designated defense production areas.

To expedite the production of needed housing, preference ratings will be graduated, the highest rating will be granted to projects under construction as of September 1, 1941, and, to remodeling and rehabilitation. A lower rating will be granted to new construction for rent, and a still lower rating to new construction for sale.

Northern California areas in u'hich the priorities ruling immediately is applicable, it was announced, include Fresno, Monterey, San Francisco and East Bay cities, Stockton and Vallejo.

To obtain preference rating for defense housing projects, the builder is required to file applications, in quintuplicate, with the San Francisco office of the Federal Housing Administration. After the application is processed by the Federal Housing Administration it, will be referred to the Defense Housing Coordinator and the Priorities Division of OPM for decision

Mr. McGinness stated that approximately $3,000,000 of privately financed defense housing projects already are under way under FHA commitments in designated areas within this district, and he expected the new ruling on priorities to considerably stimulate building activity.

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Cnoss Girculation Kilns


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Items of Interest

A. W. (Andy) Donovan, Southern California representative of Hobbs, Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor to the San Francisco Bav district.

L. O. Green of Gamerston & from vacationing at Pinecrest, in

Green, Oakland, is back the High Sierras.

Howard A. Libbey, president and manager of Arcata Redwood Co., Arcata, Calif., was in San Francisco on business last week. Mel Hogan, Concord Lumber Company, Concord, was back on the job early in September after being away for some time due to illness.

A. R. (Bob) McCullough, poration, San Francisco, is the Pacific Northwest.

C. D. Johnson Lumber Corback from a vacation trip to

I. E. Horton of South City Lumber & Supply Co., South San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Horton and their daughter Marian, returned from a month's automobile tour of the South and East. which included visits to New Orleans. Louisville and Cincinnati.

R. C. Parker, director of the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, returned September 29 trom a business trip to the Nortwest.

W. G. Scrim, Findlay Millar Timber Co., Los Angeles, attended the annual conventions of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association at Asheville, N. C., and the National Hardwood Lumber Association at Atlanta, Ga.

Jack Halloran, Jr., Halloran-Bennett Lumber Co., Phoenix, Ariz., is vacationing in Los Angeles.

Oak Timbers Cut 80 Years Ago tVill Wood Replaces Steel in Pitcher be Utilited by Navy Disappearing Door Frame

Washihgton, Sept. l&-Timbers cut from American forests for use in the construction of naval vessels for the Union Army 8O years ag'o, are finally finding their place on board American ships, despite the fact that the intervening eight decades were spent in the mud at the bottom of the waters surrounding the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Dredging operations incident to the expansion of the Brooklyn Navy Yard have already been responsible for the reclamation of a huge pile of oak timbers which now occupies a space 1@'x40'at the Brooklyn Yard.

The Pitcher Disappearing Wood Frame, replacing the steel frame that has been on the market for many years, is now in production and is sold through retail lumber dealers and mills.

The new frarne, made in the E. C. Pitcher Company's own factory, has the same adjustable, ball bearing hangers rvhich have always been furnished with the steel frames that have been specified by architects up and down the Pacific Coast.

The wood frame costs approximately 25 per cent less than steel, and tests by engineers show that it has ample strength.

The office of E. C. Pitcher Co. is at 557 Market Street, San Francisco.

Redwood Shipped For Defense Work In Canal Zone And Puerto Rico

Shipment was recently completed by Hammond Lumber Company of approximately 500,000 {eet of Redwood for use in construction of the new Army Air Base, Boronquin Field, Puerto Rico.

This company also completed shipment of about 800,000 feet of Redwood to Panama for construction of barracks a,nd defense housing in the Canal Zone.

Hans Wall Buys Retail Yard

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These timbers were originally purchased in 1860, and placed in water storage at the Brooklyn Yard. They were unused at the end of the Civil War and never removed from the storage lagoon. Subsequently this area was sold to the City of New York and the lagoon filled in.

Naval expansion in connection with America's present defense program caused the land to be re-acquired for the Brooklyn Navy Yard and operations for its utilization uncovered the old timbers. They were found to be sound and sturdy, many of the sticks being 24x24 inches in cross section. Included rvere numerous knees intended as suDports for the deck angles in frigates.

Hans Wall has bought the retail yard of General Lumber & Supply Co. at 806 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles (telephone MUtual 4022), and is handling his Veneer business at this address. He is reorganizing the General Lumber & Supply Co. and Thomas Archibald is managing the retail lumber and building materials end of the business.

New Manager Appointed

Jim Bingham, formerly with Piedmont Lumber Co.. Oakland, has been named manager ol Richmond Lumber Co., Richmond, Calif., succeeding Francis Hughes.

The Navy states that that it is probable that ship decking.

all the timbers will be many of them will go utilized and into modern

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