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Work Wanted
Experienced, all round retail office lumberman. Six years' California experience. Health good. At present employed but wish to make change to Arizona. Address Box C-907, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Lumber, hardware, plumbing. 50 miles from Los Angeles on main highway, established 6 years, well stocked, near aircraft factory. No city license or city taxes. 85o/o cash business. Will sell stock at less than present cost and lease buildings and real estate or will sell all. Selling on account of health. Address Box C-910, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
For Sale
Well established lumber yard. I want a dependable man to take over. Give me 20o/s down and the balance monthly. Keep your money to run the business. Stock around $10,000. Cars, trucks, and lots of real estate. $66,000 in business last year. No stiff competition. This is my baby and I want to see the new owner make good. Character of more importance than collateral. If you want a yard in the richest per capita county in the state write to Bob Rosenquist, Angwin, California. Yard is located in central California.
Complete LUMBER YARD AND MILL SITE, with modern brick office, mill building, storage sheds, concrete rack footings, spur track, streets and driveways paved. Ideal location, close to wharf and freight yards. All ready to move into and start business. Investigate this splendid business opportunity.
Address owner, Scott L. Boyd, P. O. Box 116, Santa Barbara, Calif.
Home Building Reaches Peak
Washington, Sept. 20--Small-home building under the FHA program reached a new peak in August with approximately 5600 new homes started each week, Federal Housing Administrator Abner H. Ferguson announced.
This compares with the previous peak of 5500 homes a week in July and with a weekly average oi 3800 homes started under FHA inspection during August, 1940. Since the first of the year, approximately 147,000 new small homes have been started under the FHA program, most of them located in areas of important national defense aetivitY.
Situation Wanted
Yard foreman, order clerk, tallyman, salesman or general work in yard, wharf, mill or office. 29 years in above positions in Washington, Oregon and California. Last 7 years with very good Southern California company, best reason for leaving. Good references. Will go anywhere. Age 49. Best of health, good appearance, active.
Address Box C-911, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, California.
Bookkeeper Wanted
Progressive yard wants bookkeeper capable of handling counter trade. Salary open. SOUTHERN LUMBER COMPANY, San Jose, California.
For Sale
One of the most prosp€rous and successful retail lumber yards in Southern California, with complete planing mill.
IIas shown a consistent record of satisfactory profits since established more than ten yezrrs ago, with steadily increased volume. Will show volume in excess of three-fourth million dollars for 1941.
Only reason for selling-serious health condition of owners. Will invoice stock at market price, buildings and eguipment at fair appraisal value. Nothing added for goodwill.
Only small real estate investment, as buildings on leased ground, with extended lease privilege.
About $80,000 investment required.
This is gilt-edge proposition.
Do not answer unless you mean business and have necessary capital available.
No brokers or agents considered.
Address Box C-912, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lurnber Yard Brokers, B0l Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Data Sheet Shows How to Build Lath House
A handy data sheet on the construction of a combination lath house and tool shed that any amateur gardener can easily erect by himself without special tools has been prepared for distribution to retail lumber dealers and homegarden enthusiasts by the California Redwood Association, 4O5 Montgomery St., San Francisco, California. This new, instructive leaflet will be sent free upon rvritten request.