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Golden Jubilee Anniversary of Hoo-Hoo Octob er 8-9-10

Committees appointed by Snark of the Universe George W. Dulany,lr., are working in full force to assure a wellrounded out program of interest and education to those attending the "Golden Jubilee Annual" at the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs National Park, October 8-9-10.

Registration of delegates and guests lvill open Wednesday morning, October 8. General business sessions the afternoon of the eighth. Thursday, October 9, an all-day pilgrimage will be made to Gurdon, Arkansas, the birthplace of the order, where ceremonies will be held at the Hoo-Hoo monument, luncheon and concatenation will be held at the'Gurdon Community Building, entertainment for the ladies during the concatenation at the Hoo-Hoo Theatre. Return will be made to Hot Springs for the banquet and entertainment the evening of the ninth. Business sessions will continue throughout Friday, October 10.

The program committee has been most fortunate in securing speakers for these three days. The address of welcome will be made by the Honorable Homer Adkins, Governor of the State of Arkansas, with response by Julius Seidel of St. Louis, Seer of the House of Ancients of HooHoo. Harry T. Kendall of the Weyerhauser Sales Company will be toastmaster for the banquet. The principle address on that occasion will be made by J. Carthell Robbins of Stuttgart, Arkansas, Southrvestern Lumbermen's Assn.

At the Friday morning session, C. C. Sheppard of the Louisiana Central Lumber Company, Clarks, Louisiana, has been clelegated by the recently appointed committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association on Public Relations, to address the convention on "Hoo-lloo: Tell Lumber's Story to the Public." Past Snark Arthur A. Hood will have an address particularly for the younger men in Hoo-Ifoo, "Tomorrow's Career Men in the Lumber Industry." Those attending the luncheon meeting that day will have an opportunity to hear Miss Dorothy A. yarnell of the Little Rock Junior College, Little Rock, Arkansas, tell the storv of how, why, and when her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ann Smith of Searcy, Arkansas, was made a member of Hoo-Hoo. Mrs. Smith has the distinction of being the only woman ever made a member of this order.

Committee in charge: Concatenation-supreme Gurdon

J. M. Ransom, of Memphis, Tennessee, Chairman; John T. Errvin, Crossett, Arkansas; Chas. R. Black, Corning, Arkansas; Walter J. Woods, Memphis, Tennessee.

Program-Supreme Senior lfoo-Hoo Don S. Montgomery, Chairman; L. M. Hawkins, Little Rock, Arkansas; E. E. \Voods. Kansas City, Nlissouri.

Arrangements and Entertainment-L. M. Hawkins, Chairman; William Chamberlin, Arkmo Lumber Co., Little Rock; T. J. Reynolds, Valley Lumber Co., Hot Springs; H. C. Cabe of the Gurdon Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Gurdon.

Transportation-For details as to transportation address W. ivI. Wattson. Secretary, International Order, 242 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis.

ReservationsFor hotel accommodations, should be made directly with the Arlington Hotel, or through the secretary's office.

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