2 minute read


Home Ollice-Aberdeen, Wcrsh.

lllanufaclurers ol_Douglas fir and Red Gedar Shingles

Wcter and Rail Delivery

Stecmers-Anna Schaler and Mcrgcret Schcrler

Buying Office-Beedsport, Ore.

Sales Representative of Robert Gray Shingle Go., Inc. and Gardiner Lumber Go.

Priorities lor Delense Housing Construction I(/. Henry Gilbert New President

(Continued from Page 8.)

try of local FHA offices and at home financing institutions, on and after September 22,194I.

Among the Defense Housing Areas are:

California: Bakersfield, Fresno, Los Angeles, Monterey, Oceanside-Fallbrook, San Diego, San Francisco and East Bay cities, San Luis Obispo, San Miguel-Paso Robles, Stockon and Vallejo.

Arizona: Litchfield Park and Tucson.

Nevada: Hawthorne and Las Vegas.

Washington: Bremerton, Everett, Key port, LongviewKelso, Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma.

Oregon: Astoria, Hermiston, Pendleton, and PortlandVancouver, Wash.

Idaho: Boise.

Utah: Ogden and Salt Lake City.

Lower Interest on FHA Loans for Remodeling

As further aid to defense housing program, announcement is made by the Federal Housing Adininistration of a reduction in maximum financing charges by lending institutions for Title 1 repair and alteration loans. This new feature, running concurrently with the recent additional $200,000,000 made available for loan insurance under Title 6, will serve to stimulate necessary housing in defense areas, according to Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California district director of the FHA.

The new maximum financing charge involving loans over $2500 for the purpose of financing remodeling of homes designed or to be designed for more than one family is $1 per $100 instead of $5 per $100 as heretofore.

\f. B. Dearborn

William Brown Dearborn, 67, manager of the Loomis Lumber Co., Loomis, Calif., died suddenly while on a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe, September 7. He collapsed on the seat of a car when driving with a friend.

Mr. Dearborn was a native of Vermont. IIe is survived by his rvidolv, Mrs. Helen Dearborn.

of Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club

W. Henry Gilbert of Sierra Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento, lvas elected president of Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club No. 1@ at the dinner meeting of the Club held in Sacramento on Wednesday evening, September 17.

Russell E. Tracy, Tracy Lumber & Supply Co., Sacramento, was elected secretary-treasurer.

New directors elected were Mitchell Landis, Noah Adams Lumber Co., Walnut Grove, Calif.; Hilmar Hauge, The Diamo,nd Match Co., North Sacramento, and Severin Johnson, Capital Lumber Co., Sacramento.

The retiring president, Chas. L. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, presided at the meeting and turned over the gavel to the new president after the election.

FHA Applications Show Increase

Uninterrupted flow of applications for Federal Housing Administration insurance of home mortgages during the week ended September 19 showing a substantial increase over the preceeding week's volume of business for Southern California r,r'as reported by Wilson G. Bingham, Southern California District Director, FHA.

Over $2,500,000 worth of mortgages, numbering in excess of 600 were accepted for appraisal during the week, or 20/o in number and approximately 15% in dollar volume over the 514 mortgages valued at $2,191,800 accepted for appraisal during the previous lveek.

The bulk of the increase fell in the Title VI group, with marked increase also noted in the volume of applications for insurance of existing liens on home properties. The corresponding u'eek ol l94O reached a total of 720 cases for $2,904,000.

New home construction during the week remained firm, with 4?0 homes starting construction under FHA inspection, comparing with 430 for the previous week, and 335 for the corresponding week of. t940.

Redwood For Hawaii

The U. S. Transport Lumberlady recently lifted over 2,000,000 feet of Redwood on Humboldt Bay for use in construction work at Fort Kamehameha. Hawaii.

Armored Division Camp to Use 40-50 Miffion Feet ol Lumber

A lump sum contract for the Armored Division camp at Santa Maria-Lompoc, Califor.nia, has been awarded to MacDonald & Kahn and J. F. Shea, San Francisco, for $17,382,670.

It is estimated that between 40 and 50 million feet of lumber will be used in construction of the camp.

The contract calls for 1685 buildings, including 199 barracks to accornmodate 16,000 men. Facilities will provide for an eventual 35,000 men.

Among the structures will be a 150o-bed hospital, five chapels, three theatres, a bakery and a laundry.

Ground breaking cerernonies were held September 14.

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