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that it won't be so very long before we can again furnish you with "PLYWOOD FOn EVEny PAEPOSE"

Postwar markets will be larger, and a greater variety of plywoods will be available, including plastic-plywood.

We All Owe A Good Deai

to.those boys who have been keeping watch over the cargoes of munitions and supplies of all kinds that have contributed so much towards the coming victory on all fronts.

Let's continue to back these boys up by buying more War Bonds.

(Continued from Page 8) creased wage INCREASES THE PURCHASING POWER of the pay received, it is NOT a raise.

And here is the ,,e*t tnlui. it ", MUST be understood and incorporated into our postwar reemployment plans; RAISING WAGES does NOT increase the purchasing power of the wage UNLESS IT ADDS TO PRODUCTION. You see, ALL WEALTH ORIGINATES FROM PRODUCTION-NOT from WAGES. Reduced to simple economics-and that is something that the philosophers of scarcity fight shy of-arbitrarily raising money wages simply means higher cost and so higher prices of the com, modities produced. Is there any doubt about that in any mind that can add two and two and get four? And higher costs of the commodities produced necessarily means higher prices to the consumer, less production, less employment, and fewer purchases; and so on around the vicious circle.

How can wages go UP ""U **O*g hours DOWN without the COST of all products affected increasing proportionately, thus decreasing the buying power of the upped urages to a point lower than before the increase? So, because of the increased costs and prices and follqwing this same line of thinking, wages must again go up to meet the increased cost of living, and working hours must again go down. And when they do-PRODUCTION-the only REAL source of wealth and prosperity and employment, goes steadily DOWNWARD. When this happens the managers of this cycle of scarcity rnust find funds with which to reimburse those who are getting their toes trod on; and that includes everyone, employee, employer, and all others concerned. What, then, does the increased wage buy? Only one thing-1ROUBLE. Yet there are plenty of men with custard brains and loud voices who are blatantly preaching that very philosophy all over this country.


If we hope to weather the economic and financial storm that will follow the war and get back to a happy, peaceful, sensible, and prosperous basis-something we have not seen for twenty years-we must follow the advice of president Wriston of Brown University, quoted above. We must produce incredible quantities of all the good things of life on so economical a basis and distribute them in so intelligent a manner that "the real wealth of the world will flow to the cornmon man." And that is what we all hope for, isn't it?

We must come to understand THIS; that if everyone could buy more, everyone would be wealthier. fn no other way can substantial prosperity be created. Production must increase, to increase prosperity. Increased production is the only permanent source of REAL high wages, and the only permanent cure for unemployment. No greater folly waJever uttered than that the way to relieve unemployment' is by cutting down working hours-and thereby production.


We face the problem of balancing rewards between persons and occupations. That balance. can be adjusted by either leveling (JP, or leveling DOWN. The difference is that when you level DOWIN you are doing something temporary and artificial; when you level UP, you are creating something substantial and intelligent. For instance, if the farmer is relatively underpaid for his products, the philosophy of scarcity says he should reduce his production. The philosophy of production to create prosperity says you should DO THE OPPOSITE. Instead of cutting his production to relieve the farmer, you should INCREASE THE PRODUCTION OF INDUSTRY, of the things the farmer wants to trade his produce for. That will reduce these industry costs and prices and increase the purchasing power of what the farmer raises. If, on the other hand, we try to solve the problem by curtailing the production of the farmer, we simply reduce the acreage production of those things every citizen can use and enjoy. The attendant loss to the many far offsets the gain to the few, SO FAR AS THE NATIONAL PROSPERITY BALANCE IS CONCERNED. When you curtail the farm pioduction, and at the same time cut down the working hours of industry-which is what we did for eight long years-you are simply rowing strongly with both oars toward the brink of the economic precipice. You put men out of work, reduce the production of the things everyone needs, increase their costs, increase their prices, and make it increasingly difficult for the ordinary man to buy the things he wants with the money he gets.

A good job for every good man, a fair reward in terms of the real things of life for his labor-these are the things that make REAL and lasting prosperity. When you discuss wages be sure you differentiate between REAL and MONEY wages.


A ten year old boy can easily demonstrate the unwisdom of the philosophy of scarcity by simply carrying the thing through. You raise wages and cut working hours and you raise costs and prices. So, to meet the increase, you once again must raise wages and cut production. And soon you have money wages a mile high-and nothing on the top side of the earth to buy with them.

San Francisco Bay District Hoo-Hoo Celebrates 53rd Annual

About forty San Francisco and East Bay FIoo-Hoo members attended a' luncheon at El Jardin Restaurant, San Francisco, September 8, to cooperate with the All-Out Annual of Internatior.ral lloo-lfoo.

Carl Warclen, Vicegerent Snark of the San Frar-rcisco district, presided, and Bert E,. Bryan, Vicegerent Snark of the East Bay district, read the follorving resolution u'hich was passed by the rnembers :

Be It Resolved, that u,e of International Hoo-Hoo reiterated our full confidence in and admiration for the splendid leadership of both our Army and Navy rvhich is so surely leading our Armed Forces to VICTORY; and that International Hoo-FIoo and the individual rnembers thereof rededicate ourselves to an all-out effort ton'ard supplving our Armed Forces u.ith all the lumber they require to finish the job of bringing the r,var to a victorious end.

Be It Further Resolved. that a vote of thanks be extended to Don S. Montgomery, Snark of the lJniverse, and The Nine .ivho har.e .rvorked u'ith him so consistently and successfully for the good of the Order during this l{oo-Hoo year; and also a sincere expression of gratitude be extended to the Board of Councilors for their helpfulness in tl-re affairs of the International and their splenclid cooperation in giving to the field aid and support.

Be It Further Resolved, that Jabberrvock Ed S. McBride be congratulated and commended for the outstanding results which he has achier.ed through earnest rvork and personal effort in Jurisdiction No. 6.

Be It Further Resolved, that deepest sympathv be ext.nded to the famiil'of members who have passed on during thc Hoo-Hoo year, and to those members who have lost dear ones since our last annual meeting.

Be It Further Resolved, that the lumber trade publications be given a hearty and sincere vote of gratitude for the publicity given Hoo-Hoo activities in this district during the past Hoo-Hoo year, also for their splendid cooperation and encouragement of the several Hoo-Hoo Clubs in Turisdiction No.6.

Wood Products Co. Moves

Wood Products Co., Oakland service organization, serving a group of San Francisco Bay area and Northern California yards, has moved its offices to room 410, West_ ern Professional Building, l7'06 Broadway, Oakland 12. The telephone number remains the same, HIgate 6076.

Hill & Morton, Inc., Will. Continue to Opercte

Announcement is made that the business of Hill & Mor_ ton, fnc., wholesale lumber dealers, Oakland, will continue without change in personnel. This decision is in accord_ ance with the wishes of H. Sewall Morton, who passed away on September 17.

. The main office and yarcls are at Dennison Street Wharf, oakland, and the firm operates a rvhoresale distributing yard at First Street and platt Avenue. Fresno.

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